Wordpress + Coda Starter Kit
2. Testing Installations

icon picker
Copied Template Testing

Important: If you created a fresh doc connection then go to

Functionality Testing

There are 3 main functions we need to test to ensure everything is working on the copied template.
Button & actions
Syncing Tables To Coda
Embed On Wordpress
The first things we want to check is that you connected the Template correctly. We can find out fairly quickly if there has been an issue as usually the table sync will fail or the buttons will be inactive and display an error message.

Button & actions connection testing

We only need to test one button to know if the functionality is working. If one works they all should work.
Check Template Buttons Account
If the button below is green and not greyed out the account is still connected.
To check it’s connected to your account right click the button and check the account value is your account.
Click the button and check.
Create Tag
For a successful test we are looking for the account to show your account, and when clicked the green tick pop up with “1 external action performed” shows.
You can also check your “Coda Test Tag” has been created within your Wordpress site under Posts > Tags or by syncing your Tag table which you will do in the next steps.
If successful you can confirm this account connection part is working and all other buttons and actions should also work.


If an error occurs please check the guide below.
Button & Actions Troubleshooting
Feature Reference
Short Description
Page Link

Syncing Tables To Coda

We only need to test one table is syncing to know if the functionality is working. Syncing the Tag table is an easy one to test with.
Sync Tag Table
Below should be a view of the tag table. If you created your own template then search for the table “/tags” and add a view to the canvas or navigate to the table to test.
Click the “Sync” icon under the title
View of Tags


For a successful test we are looking at the sync messages. It should say “Last synced x minutes ago” . You should also see your tags in the table. You can also check the rest of the tables to confirm on all on the page.
If successful you can confirm this account connection part is working and all other table syncs should also work. You should also see the sync
Syncing Tables To Coda


If an error occurs please check the guide below.
Syncing Tables Troubleshooting
Feature Reference
Short Description
Page Link

Embed On Wordpress

IMPORTANT: For new users you can miss this test out and continue to
Level: Advanced
Embed A Table
We only need one table embed to work to test if the functionality is working. Either use the SCM or follow the below.
To embed a table we need a shortcode.
Drag over your shortcode button from your Pack building blocks. Insert > Packs > Wordpress To Coda
Right click the button to change values or keep the default settings but ensure to
Click the button and wait for success message.
Re-sync your shortcode table and copy the new “Paste Shortcode into Wordpress” value.
Login to your Wordpress site and paste the shortcode within the page you want it displayed on.
Publish and view your page.


For a successful test we only need one table to show in Wordpress correctly to confirm our connections are working.
Embed On Wordpress


If an error occurs please check the guide below.
Embedding Troubleshooting 2
Feature Reference
Short Description
Page Link

Next Steps

Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.