This example displays the opening hours for the day “today” using our “Row” Table setting again.
Although we have the ability to display rows using our row setting we can also filter the table to only show one row which will serve the same purpose.
Step 1 - Improve your table
To show only the row of “today”we will need to add a Row UID column to reference in our short-code generator.
We have also added a “Message” column so we can display a message.
Add the column formula
nth(split((thisRow + ""),"/"),2)
Remember we do not need to ad
Another view of our table for this page 3
Step 2 - Create your shortcode
This table we will add to our Shortcode Generator” using the following parameters.
Name: Anything you like. This is to keep you organised and will not affect the actual sync. It will however tell you
Description: Anything you like
Unique Shortcode Name (No special characters): Here we have called it “Opening Hours”
Type: We want to show the full table
as a “table Type”
View 3 of Shortcode Generator
Paste Shortcode into Wordpress
Check your table is displaying.