Google Ad Dynamic text replacement

What we want

When a user gets to an acquisition landing page via paid search, we use their search query to populate the 1st h1 on the page.

Our ask

Can you help us see if this an option for us on Webflow pages?


We want the ability to do this on our Webflow-built acquisition landing pages
I believe this must be possible with custom code, but I’m having difficulty finding an easy thing to try.
Unbounce has this feature, which is why I was asking about it last week. There’s also a wordpress plugin for it. HubSpot does not have this feature either.
i think the industry term for this is DKI - Dynamic Keyword Insertion

Potential solutions


Before you start, you will need to append the following to the destination URLs of your ads: ?kw={keyword} In AdWords, Yahoo and adCenter this will dynamically enter the keyword into your ad’s destination URL. Now that your ads are setup, you need to save your landing pages as . If you don’t have the capability to save and work with php coding, there is a workaround for html pages. Apply the following line of text to your .htaccess file: AddType application/x-httpd-php .htm .html This workaround will allow you to use php codes within the html code!
From here, you can utilize a simple line of code to dynamically insert your keyword anywhere on your landing page: <? echo $_GET[‘kw’] ?> Please note that this will insert the keyword, but doesn’t take into account the possibility of errors, i.e. someone arriving at your landing page directly (not from a PPC ad). So, there is additional “if-then” coding you can insert that will utilize default text in the case of an error:
if ($_GET[‘kw’])
{echo ucwords($_GET[‘kw’]);}
{echo ucwords(“Default Text”);}

Whereas DKI in an ad text will likely increase your CTR, dynamically inserting keywords into your landing page will likely increase your conversion rates. This process will tailor fit your landing page to each and every searcher that views it. This level of relevancy will help you target your potential customers with pinpoint accuracy! Once again, I’d like to thank the guys at for their great “NUDE” post on this subject. There are also a few other resources you should check out on dynamic landing page content
. Good luck setting this up for your landing pages and don’t hesitate to stop by and ask questions!

another random blogger

seems similar to the above:


Here’s a thread from reddit that seems to be
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