Misc stuff

Tweak to landing page CTA section


We came up with a slightly better way to talk about the SwipeSimple Connect application process. We’d like to update our landing pages accordingly.


Here’s the new copy, as seen on this page:
CleanShot 2024-04-25 at 10.39.12@2x.png
Note now the subhead is duplicative of the headline
CleanShot 2024-04-25 at 10.25.46@2x.png
So we’d now like to remove that subhead.
I also wonder if it would seem more simple to the user if we number the steps rather than the icons? 1 2 3? what do you think?


Please implement this on the following pages:
and the new 2-step form, if needed (we may not have that section on this form)


I also think we should consider adding a similar section to the design on this page, in the left column there?

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