
Help setting up conversion tracking on fraudulent leads


The Ad Platforms are driving a lot of junk leads to us. One possible cause may be click fraud, bot activity, and users outside the US.
We’re testing a tool, to see if it can identify click fraud.
But to really test if the tool works besides the pretty charts it shows on our dashboard, we need to connect it to our Leads, to see if their predictions correlate to our human review.

The request

To do that, we need to install a conversion tracking code from them.
We’d like to insert the email and phone # (commented out in the block below) - and PMI as the xuid. If that’s too difficult, just email and phone is fine.


If we can install via Google Tag Manager, and place it in the Cookie Consent group, that would be ideal.

The script

var sptrk=function(){var o="",t="__spd",e=(new Date).getTime();window[t]||(window[t]={init:!1});var c=window[t];c.d||(c.d=[]);var s=c.d;function v(t){var i=document.createElement("script");i.async=!0,i.src=t,document.head.appendChild(i)}c.init||v(o+"u");var u=/^([a-z0-9]{8})-([a-z0-9]{2})$/;return function(){var t=arguments;if(s.push(t),"config"==t[0]&&!c.init&&!c.a){c.init=!0;var i=t[1],n=i.match(u),a=n[1],r=n[2];if(!a||!r)throw"invalid id: "+i;var d=Math.random().toString(36).substring(2,15);v(o+"t/"+a+"?"+("a="+e+"&o="+d))}}}();
sptrk('config', 'ygnmuipa-01', {
// xuid: '##xuid##',

sptrk('event', 'conversion', {
// email: '##email##',
// phone: '##phone##'

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