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Frequently asked questions

How do I verify ownership of the Packs redirect URI for Google OAuth verification?

To connect to a Google API from a Pack you need to use OAuth2 authentication. Many APIs require scopes that Google deems "sensitive", meaning that Google must approve your integration before other users can sign in. This approval process is known as OAuth verification, and involves many steps and checks.


There are some exceptions to Google's verification requirement, for example an app only used internally within a single organization. Check this list first before beginning the verification process.

One of the checks is that Google must verify you own the domain name for all of the domains used by the integration. This includes the redirect URI that users are sent to after they complete the approval screen. For Coda Packs this redirect URL follows the pattern:{PACK ID}

To meet Google's verification requirements you would need to verify ownership of the domain, which isn't possible. However Google's FAQ includes this line:

Note: If you are using a third party service provider and your domain is owned by them, then you need to provide a detailed justification for us to validate it.

Although Google includes an exception for apps that don't own the domain of their redirect URL, it's outside the standard script the review team follows and may take some convincing. Here are some tips to help you get your integration approved:

  • Create a published doc for your Pack to act as the "home page". Ensure it, your Pack listing, and the Google consent screen branding all match (name, icon, etc).
  • Ensure you have a privacy policy published, even if it's just a minimal one. It can live in the published doc mentioned above.
  • Record a video showing the installation and usage of the Pack.
  • In the verification form there is a field that asks for a similar app that has been verified, and you can refer them to the previously approved Apps Script Pack, with project number 367090187070.
  • If they insist on proof of ownership of, quote the clause from the FAQ and mention that Coda requires that everyone uses a redirect URL hosted on You can link them to this section of the OAuth documentation.
  • If they insist that a branded "Google Sign-in" button be used to start the OAuth flow, mention that the Coda platform controls these buttons and that you can't change them.

With enough persistence you should be able to get your Pack verified. The process may take a week or more to complete, so plan accordingly.

Can formulas return dynamic schemas?

No, unfortunately they can't. While dynamic sync tables can flex their schema based upon the specific data source being connected to, this option isn't available for formulas. The schema for a formula must be declared statically, and there is no equivalent getSchema() function that formulas can provide.

If you have a formula that returns a dynamic set of custom fields, there are two common approaches:

  1. Include an array of sub-objects representing the custom fields, with each containing a name and value property. Users can retrieve the value of a specific custom field using a formula like:

  2. Include the custom fields as a block of JSON, like {"price": 10}. Users can retrieve a specific custom field using a formula like:


How can I transfer ownership of a Pack?

Packs don't have a specific owner role, so to transfer ownership you can take the following steps:

  1. Share the Pack with the new owner, giving them Pack admin access.
  2. Transfer the Pack to the new owner's workspace, if different.

How can I determine which workspace a Pack belongs to?

Although we don't display it in the Pack Studio, each Pack belongs to a specific workspace. The workspace is used by a variety of features, including determining which billing account to use when selling a Pack. The workspace is set when the Pack is created, and your default workspace is selected when using the shortcut.

To determine which workspace your Pack belongs to open the following URL in your browser:{PACK_ID}

Replace {PACK_ID} with the ID of your Pack. The response includes a workspaceId field with the ID of the workspace it belongs to. You can compare this ID with the one shown in the URL bar as you switch between workspaces in the doc list section of the UI.

How can I move a Pack to another workspace?

Only the Coda support team can transfer a Pack to another workspace, so please reach out if you need to make a change. If the Pack already has billing enabled, transferring it to a different workspace will require additional steps, so please note it in your request to support.