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Interface: MetadataFormulaObjectResultType


The return type for a metadata formula that should return a different display to the user than is used internally.



display: string

The value displayed to the user in the UI.

Defined in



Optional hasChildren: boolean

If true, indicates that this result has child results nested underneath it. This option only applies to listDynamicUrls. When fetching options for entities that can be used as dynamic URLs for a dynamic sync table, some APIs may return data in a hierarchy rather than a flat list of options.

For example, if your dynamic sync table synced data from a Google Drive file, you might return a list of folders, and then a user could click on a folder to view the files within it. When returning folder results, you would set hasChildren: true on them, but omit that on the file results.

Leaf nodes, that is those without hasChildren: true, are ultimately selectable to create a table. Selecting a result with hasChildren: true will invoke listDynamicUrls again with value as the second argument.

That is, your dynamic sync table definition might include:

listDynamicUrls: async function(context, parentValue) {

parentValue will be undefined the initial time that listDynamicUrls is invoked, but if you return a result with hasChildren: true and the user clicks on it, listDynamicUrls will be invoked again, with parentValue as the value of the result that was clicked on.

Defined in



value: string | number

The value used for the formula argument when the user selects this option.

Defined in
