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Function: makeTranslateObjectFormula


makeTranslateObjectFormula<ParamDefsT, ResultT>(«destructured»): { cacheTtlSecs?: number ; connectionRequirement?: ConnectionRequirement ; description: string ; examples?: { params: (undefined | PackFormulaValue)[] ; result: PackFormulaResult }[] ; extraOAuthScopes?: string[] ; isAction?: boolean ; isExperimental?: boolean ; isSystem?: boolean ; name: string ; network?: Network ; parameters: ParamDefsT ; varargParameters?: ParamDefs } & { execute: (params: ParamValues<ParamDefsT>, context: ExecutionContext) => Promise<SchemaType<ResultT>> ; resultType: object ; schema: undefined | ResultT = response.schema }

Helper to generate a formula that fetches a list of entities from a given URL and returns them.

One of the simplest but most common use cases for a pack formula is to make a request to an API endpoint that returns a list of objects, and then return those objects either as-is or with slight transformations. The can be accomplished with an execute function that does exactly that, but alternatively you could use makeTranslateObjectFormula and an execute implementation will be generated for you.


`` makeTranslateObjectFormula({ name: "Users", description: "Returns a list of users." // This will generate anexecutefunction that makes a GET request to the given URL. request: { method: 'GET', url: '', }, response: { // Suppose the response body has the form}, { ...user2 }]. // This "projection" key tells theexecutefunction that the list of results to return // can be found in the object propertyusers`. If omitted, the response body itself // should be the list of results. projectKey: 'users', schema: UserSchema, }, });

Type parameters

Name Type
ParamDefsT extends ParamDefs
ResultT extends Schema


Name Type
«destructured» ObjectArrayFormulaDef<ParamDefsT, ResultT>


{ cacheTtlSecs?: number ; connectionRequirement?: ConnectionRequirement ; description: string ; examples?: { params: (undefined | PackFormulaValue)[] ; result: PackFormulaResult }[] ; extraOAuthScopes?: string[] ; isAction?: boolean ; isExperimental?: boolean ; isSystem?: boolean ; name: string ; network?: Network ; parameters: ParamDefsT ; varargParameters?: ParamDefs } & { execute: (params: ParamValues<ParamDefsT>, context: ExecutionContext) => Promise<SchemaType<ResultT>> ; resultType: object ; schema: undefined | ResultT = response.schema }

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