AI Startup Blueprint
Module 1: Start.

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Understanding Yourself

Before we start building, we need to take a step back
Understanding the end-goal & where you’re at personally will determine the best approach to take
Where are you at right now?
What’s your main goal from joining this course?
What’s the end goal with your company (Cashflow, Exit, Raise)
What do you want your life to look like the next 2-3 years?
What are your unique skills and expertise?
What topics/ areas of A.I. are you passionate about?
How much time are you willing to put into this?

.Creating a Timeline

Set an end goal, such as quitting your job to work full-time on your startup.
Develop a timeline with the ultimate goal of quitting your job and working on your startup full-time.
Set two soft deadlines to reach specific milestones along the way.
Establish realistic deadlines:
Deadline 1: Achieve your goal as quickly as possible.
Deadline 2: A fallback option if the first deadline is missed.


Action Items

Fill out the table below.
Set your “Deadline 1” & “Deadline 2” for hitting your goal. Put it in your calendar and put it somehwere where you’ll see it every day.

Where are you at right now?
What’s your main goal from joining this course?
What’s the end goal with your company (Cashflow, Exit, Raise)
What do you want your life to look like the next 2-3 years?
What are your unique skills and expertise?
What topics/ areas of A.I. are you passionate about?
How much time are you willing to put into this?
What are the current resources you have? (Money, Friends, Investors etc.)
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