AI Startup Blueprint
Module 4: MSP

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Minimal Sellable Product

MVP: Minimum Sellable Product
Focus on addressing the immediate needs of your customers.
Your MSP should be based on your customers needs- some of this can be made with the actual customer!
Be open, honest, and humble with customers, acknowledging that the product may not be perfect initially but you will continually improve it based on their feedback.
You can say “it won’t be perfect” in the beginning- but we will always continually work on improving it until it is perfect for you
Minimal version of that 2-3 years worth of features.
now you have validation on the MSP
Investors don’t care how products look. Only care if people are willing to pay for the product. Skips all the spectacular steps.
You have a concept, potential customer who will pay, that is the most important.

Scope and Planning

Plan strategically to avoid unnecessary spending and overdevelopment.
Have a budget in mind and consider investing some of your own money into the venture.
A couple hundreds to couple thousands of your own money is a good balance.
Understand the end user experience and create a customer experience map or blueprint.
If you are technical - you know how a product could look like from a tech stack perspective. So, you can map out the product in the back end on how it will work on the front end for your customers - technical requirements go to the dev shops
If you are not technical - pay the tech guys on fiverr/upwork cheap to give you the customer experience map/blueprint
No-Code MVPs
Explore tools like Bubble or Airtable to create minimum viable products without coding.
StackAI, Voiceflow, No-code LLM development tools
Seek out case studies or examples of successful no-code MVPs for inspiration.
Click Here for a walk through on how to scope a project:


Action Items:

Consider the features of your MVP.
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