AI Startup Blueprint

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6. Email Scripts for New Customers


Template 1: Connecting your email to the latest development in the prospect’s company

Hi {{name of the prospect}},
Congratulations on the sanction of funds for your company.
Most often, when this happens, {{ value proposition }} becomes essential. Therefore, I thought of connecting with you and sharing how we helped {{ competitor}} to {{benefit}}.
I understand that you may be occupied at present, but if you want to learn more about {{product name}}, let’s have a quick phone call.
Here’s my calendar link – <link>. You can choose a date and time that suits you the best.
{{Your name}}


Template 2: Trying to grab the prospect’s attention, build desire, and direct them to take action to get the benefit.

Hi {{ name of the prospect }},
Would you be happy if you had 10 extra hours every week for planning?
You can easily save 10 work hours by using our software. There are a lot of renowned companies who are our satisfied customers, and I would be glad if you too want to become one. Are you interested in a demo? Would you mind letting me know if you want to connect anytime next week?
{{Your name}}
{{Your name}}


Template 3: Being straightforward with what you have to offer along with providing social proof

Hi {{ name of the prospect }},
I can explain an idea to you in just 10 minutes which can fetch {{prospect’s company }} its next 100 clients instantly.
Our client {{competitor}} implemented it and has successfully been able to double their ROI.
Are you interested in a quick 10-minute call to hear me out? Which will be a suitable time for you?
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
{{Your name}}


Template 4: Using the Before-after-bridge where you make the prospect imagine their life after using your solution

Hi {{ name of the prospect }},
Just like the majority of professionals, it is pretty frustrating to have your time wasted.
Our solution helps save your time by freeing up almost 10 hours a week, and our clients – {{competitor 1}}, {{competitor 2}} are happy with it.
If you also want to learn about our solution, please spare 10 minutes of your time to explain how you can also enjoy similar benefits. Here’s a link to my calendar – <link>, you can choose a date and time that suits you the best.
{{Your name}}


Template 5: Using a little flattery to get the attention of the prospect

Hi {{ name of the prospect }},
I just came to know that you have been selected as the speaker at the upcoming conference. Congratulations.
It is quite evident that while you are preparing for it, you may have a tough time with your usual tasks. To help you out a little, I would love to show you how our solution can save up to 10 hours of your workweek.
Are you interested to know a little more about our solution? Shall we connect on a quick call this week?
{{Your name}}

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