AI Startup Blueprint
Module 4: MSP

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Importance of Scoping

For visibility:
Scoping is crucial for successful project execution and lays the foundation for effective planning and management.
It provides a clear definition of project goals, ensuring a shared understanding among stakeholders.
Proper scoping enables efficient resource allocation, maximizing utilization and minimizing unnecessary spending.
Realistic planning and scheduling are achieved by breaking down the project into manageable tasks and setting milestones.
Clear scoping manages stakeholder expectations, preventing scope creep and ensuring realistic outcomes.
Risk management is enhanced through early identification of potential risks and constraints.
Scoping promotes alignment and communication among team members, stakeholders, and sponsors.
It establishes a solid foundation for project success and increases the likelihood of achieving desired outcomes.


Start: Project Objectives

Describe the high-level goals of the project and how they relate to the overall business objectives.
Include measurable success criteria that can be used to track progress and determine project success.
Specify cost, scheduling, and quality targets, providing absolute or relative values.

Step 1: Project Deliverables

List all project deliverables and provide a brief description of each without assigning specific dates.
Include both tangible outputs and ancillary results such as project management reports and documentation.
The level of detail in this section should align with the project objectives.

Step 2: List of Project Tasks

Enumerate all project tasks that need to be completed based on the deliverables defined in the previous section.
Avoid assigning specific dates and add more rows as necessary to capture all tasks.
Alternatively, you can attach a work breakdown structure (WBS) to the scope statement.

Step 3: Out of Scope

Identify any deliverables or tasks that will not be included in the project's scope.
Clearly state what will not be done or provided as outputs of this project.

Step 4: Project Assumptions

List any factors or conditions that you consider to be true or certain for the project.
Assess the level of risk associated with each assumption and describe the potential impact if they prove false.

Step 5: Project Constraints

Define dates and deadlines associated with the project, including any specific milestones or timelines.
Document budget limitations, both for the total project and maximum budgets for key deliverables.
Specify any functional, performance, or quality requirements that the project must adhere to.
Identify constraints related to equipment, personnel, or any legal, policy, or regulatory requirements.

Step 6: Updated Estimates

Provide estimates for the number of hours required to complete the project.
Consider the tasks, resources, and constraints to arrive at realistic and accurate estimates.

Step 7: Approvals

Document the role of stakeholders or approvers in the project.
Include the dates when approvals are expected or have been obtained.


Scoping is a critical step in project management that sets the stage for success.
It ensures clear project objectives, realistic planning, and effective resource allocation.
Proper scoping reduces risks, manages stakeholder expectations, and promotes alignment among team members.


Action Items:

Use the scoping template below to scope out your MSP of your product.
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