Help Center - BotSpace

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HubSpot Settings on

A guide for the different settings available on your dashboard for your HubSpot
Click on the Integrations Tab on your Bot.Space Dashboard
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2. (a) The Settings page consists of multiple options, Such as Message Sync; Which allows you to Sync messages from BotSpace to HubSpot Timeline, Once toggled, you can select the number from the drop down list.
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(b) You can also Enable Contact sync which can create a contact on HubSpot if it does not exist.
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(c) You can also opt for the Agent assignment option, which lets you automatically assign a BotSpace Agent when a contact gets enrolled in a HubSpot workflow. The HubSpot contact owner's email must be of a registered Agent in BotSpace.
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(d) You can also add Contact properties to show up on the HubSpot Card in the BotSpace Inbox
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(e) You can also permanently Delete an integration from the settings page by clicking on Delete
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