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How to Sync WhatsApp messages for contacts inside HubSpot

A guide to view the activity log of WhatsApp conversations happening in your inbox on your HubSpot account

To sync your contacts and view them on your HubSpot account, Please make sure that the following steps are correctly followed.

1. Enable Message Sync on your Dashboard and select the correct Channel as shown here: 2. The contact should be saved with the correct Country Code and in the contact property of Phone Number ​3. Make sure the Filter activity check box is marked as show here:

Follow the steps shown below to add/check WhatsApp conversation log for contacts in HubSpot

On your HubSpot account’s HomePage, Head to the Side Menu Bar and Click on CRM, then Click on Contacts
HS WA - Step 1.gif
2. On the Contacts Page, Search for the contact you want to add in the Search Bar, You can search for the contact by their Name, Phone or Email ID.
HS WA - Step 2.gif
3. Once you have opened the contact, In Activity, Under Activities, Click on Filter activity and under Integrations check the option “WhatsApp Actions & Inbox” ​
HS WA - Step 3.gif
You will now be able to view the WhatsApp activity for the Contact on your HubSpot Account.
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