How Pinterest saves tens of thousands of dollars per quarter.

Naveen Gavini, SVP of Products at Pinterest, shares his experience tracking goals and aligning teams with Coda.

Naveen Gavini

SVP of Products, Pinterest

How Pinterest saves tens of thousands of dollars per quarter.

By Naveen Gavini

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Case studies > Pinterest
About Pinterest
  • Social media & image sharing platform
  • Based in San Francisco
  • 4,000+ employees
How Pinterest uses Coda
  • Project & task management
  • OKR tracking
  • Team alignment
In order to sustain our success, employees needed a more intuitive tool for seeing their own goals, team leads needed transparency into progress, and leadership wanted everything they needed to understand the health of the business to live in one place.
Naveen Gavini
Former SVP of Products at Pinterest

The results

The problem

As they grew, Pinterest's OKR setup began to buckle. Siloed information and barriers to transparency hindered their progress. Pinterest needed an OKR system that could handle its exponential growth. To sustain that growth, the team at Pinterest identified their primary needs: a more intuitive tool for employees to track their goals, transparency for team leads to follow progress, and a single source of truth for leadership to turn to to understand the health of their business.
Going from 15 to 2,000+ employees is exhilarating and validating, but it’s also challenging. Scaling Pinterest came with more initiatives to track and more trajectories to manage, and our legacy OKR framework simply couldn’t keep up.
Naveen Gavini
SVP of Products at Pinterest

The solution

In partnership with the Coda success team, Pinterest co-created a pyramid OKR tracker to house all OKRs in one place. Executives, pillar leads, team leads, and individuals each got their own views into the same goals for personalized tracking, and integrations and automations keep things running smoothly. Compared to siloed info in Google Sheets and Google Docs, having an all-in-one solution ensures teams can better understand action OKRs and work transparently across the business.

Rather than adapting to rigid tools, the team at Pinterest was able to build more efficient workflows that work the way their teams already did, leading to faster updates, less admin overhead, and tens of thousands of dollars saved quarterly.

And when one Pinterest org's OKR structure proved successful, it caught on; Coda spread to other orgs like Marketing, People, and Sales, beginning to unify Pinterest under one OKR framework. Working in Coda reduced the fragility of the former spreadsheet system and allowed teams to design tools optimized for their work and needs.

Coda powers a collaborative OKR methodology that’s not afraid to scale.

Through asking ourselves how we wanted to design our rituals—like how to update teams on progress and what cadence we were reviewing—we got to design the right tool for us, rather than adapting to someone else’s.
Anne Purves
Former Chief of Staff to Product at Pinterest

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