How Qualtrics saved thousands of dollars per year on redundant tools with Coda

With a clutter of tools to navigate, the Qualtrics team were juggling logins, drives, and permissions at every turn.

How Qualtrics saved thousands of dollars per year on redundant tools with Coda

By The Coda team

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Case studies > Qualtrics
With a clutter of tools to navigate, the Qualtrics team juggled logins, drives, and permissions at every turn. “We were exhausted with the sheer number of documents being generated and how quickly those documents became obsolete.” Drew Holman, Senior Product Manager. Like many companies, Qualtrics employed half a dozen tools and services designed to handle smaller chunks of big projects, stitching them together to create an ad-hoc patchwork of drives and folders that didn’t really have clear patterns, pathways, or processes.

The problem: Obscured views.

Tools also varied between teams, further isolating departments and making it difficult for anyone to see the whole picture. To align on a project, teams would need to sift through dozens of documents in as many locations. What’s more, leadership couldn’t easily access the latest information, or track projects across multiple teams.
“It was impossible to trust any document unless it was being shared live, and the effort just to know what was being worked on and how it was going was more work than it was worth.” Drew Holman, Senior Product Manager. Without a holistic view on projects, Qualtrics was not only spending unnecessary time and money, but employees across the company were feeling disconnected and disempowered. Here’s how Coda helped three teams at Qualtrics streamline their toolkits, optimize their processes, and get everybody singing from the same songbook.

The solution: Consolidated collaboration.

A single source of truth for Product, Design, and Engineering.

For the Product, Design, and Engineering (PDE) team, the documents in their remit represent many of the highest-use docs in the organization – Quarterly Planning, Portfolio, and Resource planning, and customer tracking. Rather than updating multiple docs in different drives several times a day, Coda was able to help PDE create a document template that each team could duplicate, and that required updating only in one place, syncing in real-time across the organization. For example, making sure updates made by an engineering manager on their page are immediately reflected in the master rollup consumed by leadership. In other words, a single source of truth that would effectively communicate business-critical information across the organization, without delay, and without needing to remember particular drive pathways, logins, or file naming conventions.

One account plan for Sales Account and Territory Planning transformation.

Previously, Qualtrics had tried to standardize globally on an effective account planning process and template. Plans were done in multiple tools, fragmented across team members and their stakeholders. This led to outdated and inaccessible information, suboptimal adoption and quality of planning, and a lack of visibility and transparency. As a result, account executives spent most of their time focused on active opportunities instead of generating new deals across their books. Managers didn’t have the data or process to coach their AEs on the kinds of activities they needed to be doing to generate a strong, healthy, and diversified pipeline of deals. After fully deploying on account planning in Coda in January 2024, Qualtrics Account Executives can see, prioritize, and set goals for their full account list in a personal “Coda Territory Planning” document that syncs with and updates Salesforce in real-time—no duplicated effort required. They can also generate new account plans for any of their accounts, which are also two-way synced to Salesforce, producing a single source of account planning truth that all presales, marketing, and support functions can see, access, and collaborate on.
In just one month, over 2,000 Coda account plans were created by Account Executives. Sales leaders and managers are using these plans to stay closely aligned on what “great” looks like in account planning and how account executives can build a surefire path to hitting their quarterly and annual sales targets. Leadership uses account and territory prioritization to align with marketing, business development, partners, and other functions, to align the organization’s go-to-market firepower on the accounts where sales is exerting the greatest effort. Account plans are now a living source of truth for everyone supporting an account in a universally adopted template, one that holds sales accountable to create a strong plan and execute. And critically, the Coda account plans are not tied to any individual user and can be easily handed between Account Executives without the knowledge loss typically associated with account transfers or personnel changes. With Coda, Qualtrics’ entire sales organization has taken a significant step forward to maximizing the effectiveness of its global GTM investment and reducing drag and inefficiency.

A streamlined solution for X4 event marketing.

X4: The Experience Management Summit, is Qualtrics’ largest event that teams work year-round towards which showcases high-profile speakers like Michelle Obama and Oprah Winfrey. In previous years, the event has been a wild success through people being the glue of manual coordination. The process needed centralized information with communication spread across multiple docs and sheets. With such a large event taking place, multiple workflows and stakeholders were always in flight which left room for delays, inefficiency, and duplicative work. The team turned to Coda to help bring to life a process they’ve long wished for. To create one single source of truth, Coda helped increase visibility and accountability of all team members and stakeholders—so everyone could understand the unified strategy and be able to tackle last-minute requests with ease.

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