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The Docket

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August 2021

All the personal productivity docs we can’t stop talking about.
This month, we’re acknowledging that the rules of personal productivity aren’t hard and fast. Instead, they’re guidelines to keep us effective at work and home. Here are the docs we’re adapting to prioritize, plan, and define boundaries around our goals.
The Docket is our version of the staff picks shelf at your local bookstore. Every month, we recommend published docs that we’ve personally read, loved, and copied. See past installments


by , Founder & CEO at Superhuman

, Customer Success: If you’re motivated by metrics, this is the doc for you. While Superhuman’s 5-step prioritization process is intended to determine product/market fit, I’ve been applying their engine and ruthless focus on metrics to my own tasks by surveying myself and reflecting on my own assessment. Now, I prioritize my tasks by the impact and overall alignment to the metrics I’m trying to drive.




, Design: Growing up, my mom took it upon herself to plan all of our family vacations. She always made sure to have all the time blocks filled with local activities and cuisines, utilizing every moment we have. My mom's recent visit gave me a chance to return the favor. Albeit we can only go on short weekend trips as things slowly open up, Zach's doc helped me prioritize and focus in order to provide the same "pack your bags and go" experience. I especially love the voting table for activities—now I know my mom prefers going to the lake over a 10-mile hike on vacations. 😬




, Partnerships: The past year and a half has been taxing in a lot of ways, but I’ve seen a lot of good come out of it as well. New ways to stay in touch, engagements, babies, and more. I’m at a similar stage in my life as Denis and his doc for planning your dream life really resonated with me. I specifically love the approach of building an action plan that tracks progress toward financial, familial, and personal goals. While I’m all for living in the moment, having a plan helps me stay productive during monumental life changes.



by and Atticus Lim

From , Data: We’re not out of the woods yet with this pandemic, and demand for food assistance remains incredibly high. Our friends and neighbors across the country still need our help, which is why this doc is especially timely. Created by high school students in my local community, it is a simple and effective framework that organizes information and connects volunteers to people who need help getting their groceries delivered. For those that need to be inspired outside of work to be productive at work, this guide simplifies what could otherwise be a difficult social impact project.
Want more docs? Explore our .

Trends in what’s trending.

You’re going back to the office. You’re planning for Q3. And you’re juggling back-to-school with the kids. Here are the top Gallery docs keeping you balanced:
: How Stripe’s first PM Manager predicts and prevents problems before launch.
: Randomly generated phrases to keep you motivated.
: A guide made by an Australian school district that can be generalized to help keep all parents sane when homeschooling this year.
: Adapt YouTube’s strategies to keep your own meetings effective.
With this series D investment, we’re building out an ecosystem that will take Coda from impactful to indelible.

Lost and found.

Keep yourself accountable and your mind fresh with this batch of templates.
: Annnd done!
: Reset your physical and digital spaces.
: Keep track of your rituals.
: Curate a list of videos to inspire, motivate, and destress.
: Wrap up a busy day with this stress-reducing shutdown ritual.

We’ve curated a Personal productivity template collection with these and more in your Explore panel. You can also search planning with the / command.

Need more? Why not try...

...this from if you want a peek inside France TV, are compelled to break the silos between product and design teams, or need to practice your English-to-French translations.
...this doc from if you want an incentive to tackle your book list, bring competition into every facet of life, or are perfectly fine using the guise of friendly competition to convince everyone to read The Count of Monte Cristo.
...this from if you want to know when a joke becomes a “dad joke.” Spoiler: When the joke has a kid...then it’s a-parent. 🥁
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