RULES v1.3

icon picker

Three steps to downtime:
Choose Lifestyle for the next 100 cycles or so (affects your next session)
Spend rest units on activities
Resolve any lingering effects and operate establishments and hirelings

Lifestyles each have a cost, this cost covers your lifestyle for this downtime period and your next adventure. Lifestyle can be changed after each adventure, though maintaining a certain lifestyle for several consecutive levels can confer benefits. Cost is an upfront cost in Doyen to pay for all the other aspects of the lifestyle. Dress options are guidelines to determine what your non-mechanically relevant clothes look like. Home and decor determine where in Tellus Athera you are currently residing, and how secure a place you have as well as your storage capacity - that is, how many item slots worth of items you can save without taking with you to your next session of play. If you downsize and no longer can account for all your items between your residence yourself (and any hideouts you have), you will have to sell excess items or lose them.
Cost: DY0
Dress options: Rags, castoff coveralls, no shoes
Home & decor: No permanent home, access to crowded shelters, must carry all possessions or hide them between jobs
Purchasing power: Nothing, everything additional must be bought in-game. Additionally, you must make a point to eat during session or become undernourished (-2 MIGHT, -2 ENDURANCE)
-Op Drone
Cost: DY20
Dress options: mass produced coveralls and wrappings/saris/robes, sandals
Home & decor: A one-room shanty in the burroughs with simple cookware and a cot. 20 UNITS STORAGE.
Purchasing power: Nothing, but at least you are fed.
-Undercity Hustler
Cost: DY50
Dress options: Thatcher-made polyester clothing with stylish flourishes, one eye-catching item, maybe a matte black doublet over a crimson silk duelist’s shirt with polyester pantaloons, samurai headband with a local Councilman’s emblem or purple cavalier’s hat.
Home & decor: boroughs flophouse. 30 UNITS STORAGE.
Purchasing power: your limited budget is mostly going to clothes and hobbies that keep you in the loop socially, so additional purchases are on you.
-Tech / Aesthete
Cost: DY100, free if you have a Rite with any priesthood
Dress options: you wear coveralls (or vestments) to work and decent but simple Thatcher-made leisure wear: a cotton kurta, basic denim or polyester pants and jacket.
Home & decor: You live in a modest apartment in one of the towers or perhaps an intentional community in the sprawl. 100 UNITS STORAGE.
Purchasing power: you can assume that a modest hobby, basic meal out, a cover charge, or a round of bargain Nectrol is within your budget (if you indulge in such things).
-Borough Bohemian
Cost: DY250
Dress options: Your clothes are Thatcher-made and attention-getting. The latest styles mixing rough hide vests with flowing silk, trending toward either an imagined frontier or far future aesthetic, or both.
Home & decor: You live in the sprawl intentionally, either in a palatial apartment in an obscure corner or in a loft among the dense snarl of apartments near the temple of Marilynn and the art scene of the Tethering district. You can host social gatherings in your home. You may hire 1 servant. 250 UNITS STORAGE.
Purchasing power: you live well, nectrol and food flows, though you are certainly not made of money and must find ways to scrimp in particularly fancy circumstances.
-Foreman Formal
Cost: DY1000
Dress options: Your dress is austere but finely made, this is the lifestyle of the successful Burjer, engineer, or technical manager.
Home & decor: You live in a well-appointed apartment in one of the towers. You likely have live in staff. You can host social gatherings in your home. You may hire up to 5 servants. 500 UNITS STORAGE.
Purchasing power:
-Bone Patrón
Cost: DY10,000 STAKE 50,000 500 per session (stake mechanic WIP)
Dress options: Whether the black robes and human bones of Karalea or the psychedelic vestments of a tea-drunk financier, these are the highest reaches a commoner may likely aspire to.
Home & decor: You live in a massive apartment suite in the towers or in a multi-building complex in the sprawl. You can host social gatherings in your home. You may hire up to 25 servants. 10,000 UNITS STORAGE
Purchasing power:
-Lesser Splendor
Cost: DY25,000
Dress options: You wear the silks and finery of the Stewards, you must be a trusted confidant of a Steward or one of the blood yourself to live in such an ostentatious manner.
Home & decor: Your manse covers an entire floor of one of the Towers. You can host social gatherings in your home. You may hire up to 100 servants. 100,000 UNITS STORAGE
Purchasing power: You can assume away any expensive save for major rare artifacts.
-Delicious Majesty (Envy of Gran Doyen)
Cost: DY100,000
Dress options: Only those at the commanding heights of Tellus Athera could dream to live as you do, and only perhaps three dozen live so now.
Home & decor: You command a palatial estate in the Upper City. You can host social gatherings in your home. You may hire up to 250 servants. Storage is not an issue.
Purchasing power: The city bends to your whims.

unit: Generally assume 4 ‘rest units’ per break. REST QUARTER RQ
Broad categories include HEALING (getting over trauma and addiction), INVENTING (tinkering with enigmas and crafting mundane creations), INVESTING (buying new equipment and selling treasure, and managing capital), and LIVING (working your day-job and spending time in society).


-Healing DAMAGED wound (costs 1 rest unit):
recovering from a wound sustained on an adventure, free in public care.
-Ensure that poorly set DAMAGED wounds do not result in permanent disfigurement by paying DY500 to recover in a Sakara Tower recovery pod.
-Healing MANGLED wound(costs 2 rest units):
recovering from a MANGLED wound takes further rest.
-You can cut the rest time in half by paying DY500 to recover in a Sakara Tower recovery pod, the disfigurement is unavoidable, though.
-Detox (costs 1 rest unit):
Isolate yourself to reduce your dependence on Nectrol. Make an ENDURANCE save, if successful, reduce your addiction level by 1, on a failure you relapse and do not reduce your dependence.
-Pay DY200 for medication assisted treatment, giving you advantage on your ENDURANCE save.


-Investigate Enigmas(costs 1 rest unit):
-Pay an Enigmatist DY50xLevel to automatically identify an Enigma
-Rent an Enigma Workshop for DY100: using the bench in the workshop roll a d20 on the Enigma Investigation table and add your INQUIRY
-If you are a member of the Burj, you may pay an additional DY100 to rent a Premiere Atelier and add +3 to your roll.
-you may purchase and consume Halite tea for DY200. This confers Advantage to your Enigma Investigation roll. This gives you +5% chance on a Madness roll, which you must take and then resolve in your next session. If you are a member of the Chowk City Tea Society, you can get the Halite for free.
-If you are a member of Horizon Inquess, add +2 to your roll for your access to the order’s extensive library.
Investigation Table
0-4 Failure! Nothing comes of it
5-15 One breakthrough
16-19 Two breakthroughs
20-24 Three breakthroughs
25-30 Four breakthroughs
30-34 Five breakthroughs
35 Six breakthroughs
-You may use a breakthrough to ID an unidentified Enigma.
-You may use a breakthrough to OPERATIONALIZE a DISASSEMBLED Enigma you are TINKERING with.
-You may use a breakthrough to DISASSEMBLE an Enigma, allowing you to begin TINKERING with it. Once disassembled, an enigma cannot be used until a breakthrough is taken to OPERATIONALIZE it. Upon being DISASSEMBLED, an enigma has no inherent characteristics until they are added by TINKERING. In other words, disassembling an enigma makes it a blank slate to add effects onto (except with respect to Capacity Gaps and Incidental Flourishes, discussed below in detail).
-You may use a breakthrough to TINKER, rolling on the effects charts and then adding an effect to a disassembled enigma of your choice in your possession. If you do not possess a disassembled enigma that can take the effect you roll, the effect is lost. When you TINKER, you may either select a category of effect or roll to determine the category. Then, roll within the category to determine the effect. IF you choose to roll to select your category, you may roll twice on the specific effect roll and choose which you prefer. Guidelines for the effects are left purposefully broad, players should be creative and flavorful in coming up with the specifics of enigmas - though of course final approval for use always comes from the Guide.
Categories (d4)
1 Fundamental Effects. These are the primary purpose of the Enigma; a status effect is created, a condition is imposed, etc. Each Enigma can have 1 Fundamental Effect.
2 Secondary Effects. Weaker in strength than primary effects; layer over the fundamental effect. Adding a Secondary Effect increases the level of the Enigma by 1; each Enigma can have 1 Secondary Effect.
3 Parametric Adjustments. Expand the scope, strength, and reach of the Enigma’s Fundamental or Secondary Effects. Adding a parametric adjustment increases the level of the Enigma by 1.
4 Capacity Gap. Capacity gaps are limitations and breakages discovered or created by TINKERING with the Enigma. While the performance of the Enigma will be lessened, having to recreate a fundamental part of the Enigma makes it easier to operate. Adding a Capacity Gap decreases the level of the Enigma by 1. If discovered, capacity gaps MUST be added to a disassembled Enigma at hand. If a player has no disassembled enigmas currently above first level, save the gap and apply it as soon as
Fundamental Effects (d4):
1 Reactive. This Enigma is used only as a Reaction to an enemy’s action. The target and duration of effect can match any of the following three of your choice, but as a reaction rather than action.
2 Targeted, External. This effect has a target that is not the Enigma’s user. If there is a specific target, the effect should be the equivalent of 4HD, a 4 point ability swing, or a strong utility/disutility such as invisibility or blindness, effects should last 1 minute or be ended/avoided with a standard action or baseline save. Area effects should be limited to 20ft radii and be about half as powerful as a singly focused alternative.
3 targeted internal. This effect is targeted at the Enigma user (and potentially those surrounding the user). The power guidelines are the same as the externally targeted effect.
4 general environmental. These broader Enigmas affect a larger area such as “a house” or “a small forest” and impose some kind of advantage for the user’s allies or disadvantage for their enemies. This effect might involve the senses or mental state or generate mild atmospheric impairments.
Secondary Effects (d4):
1 Reactive. This Enigma is used only as a Reaction to an enemy’s action. The target and duration of effect can match any of the following three of your choice, but as a reaction rather than action.
2 targeted external. This effect has a target that is not the Enigma’s user, and is not necessarily the target of the enigma’s fundamental effect either. If there is a specific target, the effect should be the equivalent of 2HD, a 2 point ability swing, or a weak utility/disutility such as improved vision or a cone of silence, effects should last 1 minute or be ended/avoided with a standard action or baseline save. Area effects should be limited to 10ft radii and be about half as powerful as a singly focused alternative.
3 targeted internal. This effect is targeted at the Enigma user (and potentially those surrounding the user). The power guidelines are the same as the externally targeted effect.
4 general environmental. A secondary environmental effect is similar to the Fundamental effect but in a smaller area such as “a room” or “a clearing”.
Parametric Adjustments (d4):
1 Scope Expansion - Double the duration, area, or number of targets of the Enigma’s Fundamental Effect
2 Function Optimization - Add a HD, additional ability point swing, or commensurate power increase to an Enigma’s Fundamental OR Secondary Effect.
3 Supplemental Modulation - Double the duration, area, or number of targets of the Enigma’s Secondary Effect
4 Incidental Flourish - Add some distinctive quirk or memorable that either automatically forces a lesser enemy to check morale or automatically saves a hireling’s next morale check
Capacity Gap (d4):
1 Energy Consumption - requires a battery or UPRO canister to operate. Taking this gap additional times adds an additional battery or UPRO canister required for use.
2 Bulk - adds 1 inventory space to Enigma size. Taking this gap additional times adds additional spaces.
3 Reliability issues - roll a d20 when the Enigma is used, on a 1 the Enigma fails and loses its charge for the day. If this gap is added a second time, on a 2 the enigma fails and on a 1 the enigma fails and violently shocks the operator for d6 damage. For every additional time the gap is taken, these values increase, so the third time the enigma fails on a roll of 3 and the operator is shocked on a roll of 2 or 1, and so on.
4 side effect - Operating the enigma somehow alters the user’s physical form. Perhaps color slowly drains from their skin or their hair begins transforming into a different substance. Perhaps it’s radiation, biological contamination, or some suddenly-activated curse inscribed by ancient aliens. Longterm use of this enigma may have mechanical consequences as the player and guide agree. Taking this gap additional times either adds additional effects or accelerates the process of the a prior side effect.
Saving Effects gained through Tinkering
For DY50, you can record careful notes on the process that led you to discover a fundamental or secondary effect described above through tinkering. These notes are saved in notebooks, which are items with a size of 1. In the future, if the player still has possession of their notes and the enigma to which those effects were added is disassembled, they may add those effects back to that enigma freely, without the need for further breakthrough. In this way, enigmas created by players can be added to over time.
Fundamental and Secondary effects always retain all Scope Expansions, Function Optimizations, and Supplemental Modulations they had accrued through tinkering.
Persistent Capacity Gaps and Incidental Flourishes
Even if an enigma is disassembled, it retains permanently any Capacity Gaps or Incidental Flourishes it had gained through tinkering.

-Crafting (costs 1 rest unit): Rent a workshop for DY50 to combine mundane items you have on hand into a useable adventuring item, as approved by the Guide. Once an item is approved, in subsequent crafting sessions you can make up to 5 copies of the item in one go if you have the requisite components.


-Shopping (costs 1 rest unit)
Buy and sell as many items as you can afford from the item lists; note that you generally will not be able to sell items at their list price (LINK ITEM LISTS).
Item (areas)
Items are divided into broad areas:
(Organic) - delicacies from Adreinn’s surface (or simulated surface) including mundane tea as well as nectrol
(Mass-produced) - industrial inputs, basic tools, armor, and foodstuffs
(Mineral) - precious metals and gems, as well as chrysalid tea
(Weapon) - blades, shields, and firearms
(Luxuries) - fine livery, jewelry and instruments
(Artifacts) - mundane handmade items as well as Enigmas
Availability Tiers (buying):
IV - Legal and Prevalent; can be found without undue effort in Tellus Athera.
III - Illegal and Prevalent; Normal price if you have a rite with the council or a contact in the specific (area) of the item. Vassals and blood Stewards pay an additional 20% surcharge from opportunistic valets. Those with no connections may Proposition a Vendor. Roll a d6, on a 6 you find an honest dealer and can buy at regular price, at 4-5 you get somewhat chiseled and have to pay a 15% markup. On a 1, the “vendor” turns out to be a robber or an undercover Tonsure with the Constabulary, and you are either robbed or extorted for a bribe. In either case, you lose the value of the item in DY.
II - Legal and Rare; Normal price for Vassals and blood Stewards or with a contact in the specific (area) of the item. Those with a Council rite can buy these items “hot” at a 20% discount but players doing so should alert their Guide in the next session that they’re carrying stolen goods.
I - Illegal and Rare; Must have a contact in the specific (area) of the item. Possession will allows raise the suspicion of the authorities.
Availability Tiers (selling):
IV - Legal and Prevalent; Sell for 50% of list price, 75% on a successful Manner baseline save.
III - Illegal and Prevalent; Sell for 75% of list price, 100% on a successful Manner baseline save. Unless you have a Council rite or are a blood Steward roll a d6. On a 1, you are ambushed and beat up for dealing on a gang’s turf, accrue 1 DAMAGED wound.
II - Legal and Rare; Sell for 33% face value unless you have a contact in the specific (area) of the item, then sell for 75%.
I - Illegal and Rare; Attempting to sell will generally cause attention of authorities, unless you have a contact in the specific (area) who will take it off your hands for 50% face value.

-Manage Investments and Hirelings (costs 1 rest unit)
You may do any one of the following:
-Buy an establishment
-Sell an establishment
-Hire any number of hirelings (reminder: you may only bring as many ‘companion’ hirelings with you adventuring as your MANNER bonus)
Establishments gain experience points like characters do, leveling up after receiving 20 XP. For establishments, XP represent both physical improvements and popularity. Higher level establishments generate more revenue and can be sold for more.
Each establishment has a ‘revenue die’, this can be thought of as similar to a hit die as it increases as the establishment levels up. Additionally, Each establishment has an operating cost that increases with level. Additionally, Establishments (with the exception of hideouts) need as many clerk hirelings as they have levels to operate.
Base cost
Revenue Die (L=level)
Operating cost die (L= Level)
Level Progression
Wallah Cart
An informal, hap-hazard jalopy with a vendor hawking street food or sundries
DY(Ld4 x 100)
3-Electric Tent 2-Vendor’s Stall 1-Hand-cart
A hidden basement, ‘abandoned’ warehouse, or secret bunker. Does not require Clerks to operate and at higher levels offers additional storage space
5-underground complex (2000 ITEMS) 4-abandoned warehouse (1000 ITEMS) 3-secret structure (200 ITEMS) 2-Basement (50 ITEMS) 1-Hidden room (20 ITEMS)
Place of commerce. For characters with the Merchant background, grants additional dice for finding wholesalers
Tea House
Can host social events
Sink Den
Can host social events
Can host social events
Can host social events
Tenant Residence
You own a property in the sprawl that you rent to tenants
Enigma Atelier
Laboratory for unlocking enigmas. You rent this space out to scholars, engineers, and occultists as they examine mysterious enigmas. In addtion to higher revenue, higher level ateliers have additional spots where your engineer hirelings can be tasked to unlock Enigmas for you.
Animals are kept here.
Place of work of a Thatcher, some industrial or artisanal building or service is done here. You rent this space out to workers or burj industrialists. In addition to higher revenue, higher level workshops have additional spots where your Thatcher hirelings can be tasked to work on your own inventions
8 - Industrial park (250 spots) 7 - full assembly line (100 spots) 6 - small factory (50 spots) 5 - multi-level workhouse (20 spots) 4 - large workhouse (10 spots) 3 - fine workshop (3 spots) 2 - finished shed (2 spots) 1 - rough lean-to (1 spot)
vehicles and featherweight to welterweight rigs are kept here.
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Buying an Establishment:
Pay the Base Cost.
Selling an Establishment:
Sale price = Base cost + Operating Cost roll x 10. If you have an accountant for this establishment on your payroll for this period you can roll the operating costs twice and pick the higher number for the sale price.
Hirelings come in two types - ‘task’ and ‘companion’. Task hirelings are contracted to do a specific service during downtime and do not carry over into the next session of play. Companion hirelings form a retinue that joins the player in their next adventure. ‘Cost’ covers pay for the hireling through the next session of play.
Companion hirelings are naturally equivalent to level 1 characters in terms of abilities and hit dice. For x3 price, level 3 hirelings can be procured, and for 10x price, level 5 hirelings can be hired. Additionally, for all companion hirelings, a morale score (2d6) is rolled secretly by the Guide upon hiring to determine how steadfast the hireling is - determining the number that if rolled over in a morale check causes the hireling to flee. Players can choose to overpay (1.5x the standard price) a hireling to increase the odds of the hireling holding their ground - the guide rolls 3d6 and keeps the two lowest. Companion hirelings hired for continuous sessions of play automatically lower their morale score by 1 in each subsequent session, unless other hirelings in the player’s service die during a given session.
Hireling Title
Companion or Task?
An individual hired with nothing but the shirt on their back, hired to carry supplies and spoils of adventure. Will be surly and uncooperative if asked to do anything else.
Comes equipped with a crowbar, shovel, pick, and hatchet - hired to move obstacles, clear brush and create pathways
A technician capable of operating a vehicle of some kind, or a groom trained in looking after living mounts. Carries a small melee weapon.
A musician, poet, scribe, or general hype-man. Will announce the party or player at social gatherings, and relay their exploits to those the group encounters and spread their reputation far and wide.
A simple support fighter, lightly armored and armed with a reach melee weapon
a solid man-at-arms, armed with a shield and primary melee weapon
Hired Gun
From Tellus Athera’s underworld, armed with a primary melee weapon and handgun.
An armored warrior trained with a large melee weapon, reach weapon, dual-weapons, or a single primary weapon wielded with both hands.
Armed with a long gun
Can help avoid random encounters in the wilds, armed with two thrown weapons, either ex-Harvestman or tribal born.
Heavily armored, carries the deadly Arc
Masons build improvements and renovate existing establishments, each adding 1 XP to one of your establishments
Operate establishments
A live-in domestic worker, essential for large properties and social events
Confer advantage on an establishment’s revenue roll
Manager of the logistics of a home, domestic staff, and social calendar. Won’t work for anyone with less than a Foreman Formal lifestyle.
Journeyman artisan, can craft up to 5 items you give them the raw materials for, quarter price if you provide them with a workshop space
Can fix 1 damaged piece of equipment or Rig damage
Can work on Enigmas for you, as if you take the ‘investigate enigma’ action but with INQUIRY bonus of +3. Cost half as much with a Enigma Atelier spot.
Pick an organization, this informant will be able to give you information on that organization in your next session. The accuracy and access of your spies increases with consecutive downtimes of payment
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- Working: Background-specific (variable rest units)
Sadhana (1 rest unit)-
You commit yourself to a test of devotion to your God. Each God calls for a different test.
TEMUJIN asks for a feat of MIGHT, you must hold a weight above your head for a full day.
NEFRITITI asks for a feat of PERCEPTION, you must detect the truth from a barrage of lies.
LI BAI asks for a feat of INQUIRY, you must work on an unsolved phenomenological mystery, paradox, or mathematic proof.
MARILYNN asks for a feat of MANNER or BALANCE in the form of a free marathon performance for the public.
THE PROPHET asks for a feat of ENDURANCE, you must walk barefoot across broken glass and hot coals.
Roll d20 and add your respective bonus.
Sadhu Table (d20)
0-10 Utter failure, but thus is the plight of mankind
11-15 Good effort, you last through most of the morning and draw some spectators.
16-20 Notable, you make it to the afternoon, many gather to watch your suffering
21-25 Spectacle, you nearly complete your task, onlookers cause traffic jams
26+ Ascended, you are successful in your task, the city is astonished, the High Archaka of your God takes notice.

Panhandle (1 rest unit)-
Make a panhandle roll: D20 - MANNER + ENDURANCE
-2 for every lifestyle level above destitute
+10 for each unhealed wound of DAMAGED or MANGLED level
Gain Advantage if unhealed MANGLED wound
Beggin Table (d20)
0-5 Brutalized by the state, roll a BALANCE baseline, on a failure the constabulary catches you and beats you up, gain a DAMAGED level wound
6-12 meager alms, gain DY30
13-17 Charity case, taken in by the Cult of the Prophet and gain the Tech / Aesthete lifestyle for free this cycle
18-20 Pitiable wretch, gain DY300 from the horrified public
21+ Ears and Eyes unseen, gain some dirt on a prominent figure of the Guide’s choice

Council Associate
Scheme (1 rest unit)-
Hang around with some Council heavies to pick up an opportunity. Roll d20 + the number of successful Council jobs you’ve done.
-Gain advantage on all scheming rolls for this downtime if you assisted the Council in your previous session.
-Take disadvantage on all scheming rolls for this downtime if you killed someone associated with the Council in your previous session.
criminal opportunities table (d20)
0-3 Punching Bag, a Council member needs to prove a point or look tough, and you take it on the chin and gain 1 DAMAGED level wound
4-7 Robbery Lookout, roll a PERCEPTION check against difficulty 10, if you pass you succeed and gain DY300 in loot, otherwise fail the job
8-15 Shakedown, make an intimidation check against difficulty 15, if you pass you succeed and gain DY1000 in loot, otherwise fail the job
16-20 Cover up, make an INQUIRY or MANNER baseline save, if you pass you succeed and gain DY1000 in loot, otherwise fail the job. Succeeding at this job counts as 2 successful jobs
21-30 New Ownership, gain a Wallah Cart, Shop, Tea House, Cravery, Den, or Dancehall establishment for free
31+ This Thing of Ours, gain any establishment for free

Event Security (1 rest unit)-
Gain DY250 as a wage. Make a vigilance roll: D20 + PERCEPTION + Number of successful guard attempts
Protecc table (d20)
1-10 You missed it! You failed to guard your objective
10-16 You caught ‘em! Get into a brawl and roll a MIGHT baseline save. On a success you protect your charge, on a failure they get away
17-20 Quiet night, automatic success
21-25 Bribe offer, take an immediate addition DY1,000 to fail the guard attempt, or get into a brawl as described above
26-30 Take a punch for a Steward or other notable of your choice, suffer a DAMAGED level wound but gain a Favor from your charge
31-33 The valuable somehow falls into your hands with no strings attached, can be quickly sold for a DY5,000 profit
34-37 Protect a VIP, and gain a contact of level III or II
38+ Elite bodyguard, gain a contact of level II or I
Trade (1 rest unit) -
Pick one or more good to act as wholesaler for. You may only select 1 good per item (area) each time you trade. Decide how many orders you are going to take. Then, roll to determine how many of the item you can secure a supplier for. To determine available supply, roll the specified die depending on item (area), add MANNER bonus, and add the number of successful orders you’ve completed in that (area) in prior Trades, plus any bonus capacity applied from owned shops. A successful order is when your supplier covers all ordered items. You do not have to commit supply capacity from shops before you make a roll in a given (area) but you do have to declare all orders before you make any supply rolls.
For every order you complete, gain DY equal to 1/4 of the list price of the items you moved. You must pay net 3/4 price for any items you cannot secure via your supply roll.
availability tier (area)
supply die
IV (mass produced)
IV (organic)
IV (mineral)
IV (weapon)
IV (luxury)
IV (artifact)
III (mass produced)
Must pay a DY50 bribe for every “1” rolled on supply dice
III (organic)
Must pay a DY75 bribe for every “1” rolled on supply dice
III (mineral)
Must pay a DY75 bribe for every “1” rolled on supply dice
III (weapon)
Must pay a DY200 bribe for every “1” rolled on supply dice
III (luxury)
Must pay a DY75 bribe for every “1” rolled on supply dice
III (artifact)
Must pay a DY75 bribe for every “1” rolled on supply dice
II (mass produced)
need a contact to sell
II (organic)
need a contact to sell
II (mineral)
need a contact to sell
II (weapon)
need a contact to sell
II (luxury)
need a contact to sell
II (artifact)
need a contact to sell
I (mass produced)
flip a coin, heads secure 1 item, tails none
need a contact to sell, must use an appropriate Favor or be jailed immediately on a Tail
I (organic)
flip a coin, heads secure 1 item, tails none
need a contact to sell
I (mineral)
flip a coin, heads secure 1 item, tails none
need a contact to sell
I (weapon)
flip a coin, heads secure 1 item, tails none
need a contact to sell
I (luxury)
flip a coin, heads secure 1 item, tails none
need a contact to sell
I (artifact)
flip a coin, heads secure 1 item, tails none
need a contact to sell
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Steward Adjacent
Attend Court (1 rest unit) - you join your patron House at Court in the Doyorum. Roll d20+Manner to determine outcome.
-4 if your lifestyle is less than Borough Bohemian
+4 if your lifestyle is Bone Patron
+8 if your lifestyle is Lesser Splendor
+12 if your lifestyle is Delicious Majesty
Going a-Courtin’ (d20)
1-5 Faux Pas, you make an egregious mistake of manners, you must use a Favor to be able to attend Court again
6-10 Slow day, not much happens at Court
11-15 First to Hear, The Guide gives you knowledge of some policy or action by the Gran Doyen before it happens
16-20 How Droll, improve relationships with an individual Steward of your choice
21-25 Well-timed Flattery, gain a Favor from a Steward House of your choice
26-30 Inner Circle, Suggest a change in government policy
31+ One-on-One, meet with the Gran Doyen in private.
Make (1 rest unit)- You use your skills as an artisan and place of work to transform raw materials in your possession into something finished. Maybe a disguise or chemical concoction or a weapon.
When you Make your item roll a d20 adding your BALANCE bonus (or Guide-approved skill) and the number of times you have used Make to the roll.
Thatching Table (d20)
1-5 Complete Failure - the raw materials and time are lost!
6-20 Average Quality - you produce a perfectly acceptable version of the item
21-30 Exceptional Quality - You produce something of unmistakable quality. The item will fetch double the standard buying price if sold. It might be a beautiful or unique article of clothing or a weapon or armor with a +1 modifier.
31+ Masterwork - The Gran Doyen would be honored by such a gift. The item will fetch ten times the standard buying price. It might be a broach fit for the Matron of a Steward house or a weapon or armor with a +2 modifier.

-Socializing (costs 1 rest unit):
You attend a social engagement. You can either host your own for a base cost of DY1000 or attend the party of any group that is not hostile toward you. The exception is that you must be a vassal (have a rite with a Steward house) to attend any Steward’s party. You may only HOLD COURT at an event you host.
Perhaps the event is just buying everyone a hit of Wave at a Council-run dance hall, Reserving a restaurant you own for your associates in the Burj, or a grand ball attended by Tellus Athera’s finest people; the party should befit your investment and status.
Choose whether you intend to pursue DIPLOMACY, EXTRAVAGANCE, or HOLD COURT. While the form of the social gathering is up to the player, the goal determines what the character is focused on accomplishing. Focusing on diplomacy means speaking to the powerful, currying their favor, and engaging factions. Extravagance means focusing on indulgences and through them meeting contacts in certain businesses. Finally, holding court generates a following and improves the reputation of the player’s holdings.
Roll on the appropriate table, calculating the outcome based on d20+MANNER+HOST BONUS
Determine Host Bonus
+2 if employing a Butler, increase to +4 if the social event is hosted in your home
+1 for each servant you have if you’re hosting at your home
+4 for each level above 1 your establishment is, if you’re hosting at an establishment
+4 for living a Foreman Formal lifestyle
+6 for living a Bone Patron lifestyle
+8 for living a Lesser Splendor lifestyle
+10 for living in Delicious Majesty
0-5 faux pas, you lose favor with the group you were trying to influence
6-15 Face in the crowd, you shmooze but don’t get to have a substantive conversation with whoever you are trying to influence
16-21 Good impression, you may increase your favor with a mid-ranking individual in the group (someone you know/know of or a new individual created by the Guide), or raise the favorability of a cause of your choice with that group
22-26 Hit it off, you increase your favor with a high-ranking individual in the group or your favorability with the group overall
27-100 Private sit-down, you can deal directly with the group’s leadership, potentially shifting that group’s attitude on some issue.
101+ Audience, you may meet directly with the Gran Doyen, who shows up unannounced
0-5 Bad trip! Lose DY300 and wake up in a gutter
6-14 Night Out, you have a fun time with your friends
15-22 Good times guy, make a Tier III contact in an (area) of your choosing
23-27 Rubbing shoulders, make a Tier II contact in an (area) of your choosing
28-100 Bon Vivant, make a contact of any Tier of your choosing in an (area) of your choosing
101+ Bon Vivant plus, if hosting, a party so massive the whole city hears of it
Hold Court
0-5 Squabbling, lose a companion hireling
6-11 Keeping up, you spend time with your usual crew
12-19 Promotion, if hosting in an establishment, give that establishment 4XP
20-27 Inspiration, gain a free companion hireling with a standard wage of DY500 or less, starts at lvl1 and 9 Morale, and gain 5XP for the establishment
28+ Sought out, gain a free companion hireling of any type except an arcsman, starts at lvl1 and 9 morale, gain 5XP for the establishment
-Personal Relationships (costs 1 rest unit):
TBD, suggestions for mechanics welcome! Romance? Family?

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