5 tips for getting your startup started in Coda
A quick-start guide for founders.

Maggie Barnes
Growth at Coda
Congratulations on taking the first step toward growing and scaling your startup on Coda! Building a business from the ground up comes with a unique set of challenges, and our experience working with companies at this exciting stage has made us a trusted partner for several successful startups. Here are five practical tips and insights to help you get started quickly.
1. Create a digital safe for your critical documents.
Your startup’s success depends in part on maintaining your competitive advantage, which means ensuring the safety and security of confidential information is key. We recommend creating a repository for all of your sensitive documents: think investor tracking, patents or trade secrets, performance reviews, salaries, and competitive strategies. Using Coda’s permissions capabilities, set access to only yourself or a small group of trusted individuals (investors, C-level execs, etc.). Or, create one doc that’s for your eyes only, where you can also add your private thoughts, ideas, and personal notes, and another for a wider set of company higher-ups.2. Build your team’s knowledge base.
Don’t leave your employees wondering where your organization’s most important documents are. After all, they’ve got better things to do, like helping you build your business. So, create a one-stop shop for all of your team’s key information, including employee rosters and org charts, HR policies, processes, and public investor updates. You might also add FAQs and links to documents like employee manuals, mission and vision statements, etc. The sky’s the limit! As far as format goes, we’ve seen our customers have a lot of success using the company hub template, which is fully customizable and can include as few or as many resources as your org needs. No matter which template you choose, be sure to set it up with growth in mind. As you scale, you still want your doc to feel like your “home base.” Some quick tips for setting your templates up for scale include:- Considering the “who, what, and how” of using this doc.
- Starting with tables for all of your data.
- Creating different views for your data and tasks.