Guide for Schoolable Pay

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Invoice settlements are an overview of all settlements made by Schoolable Pay into your school’s account. This is how it works; when a payment is made as a result of the invoice sent out, the money goes into Schoolable account. Schoolable then transfers the tuition into the school’s nominated account. This is what is called invoice settlements. It basically means settling the School’s account with their actual money, as a result of payments made through invoices. The invoice settlements shows:
The date and time the money is paid into the School’s account
The number of invoices settled
The amount collated by Schoolable from parents, to be sent to the School’s account
The Recipient (the School’s account)
The Reference number (this is usually generated on the system, and it serves as a unique number for each settlement).
Click “Download invoice settlement reports” to download all invoice settlements to your phone or computer.

Viewing Invoice Settlements

To view the invoice settlements, to know who made payments:
Click on the three dots by the right
Click “View”.
You will see the date the settlement was completed, the amount paid and the bank it was paid into. You would also see below, the list of people who made payments, and how much they paid.
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