The Ultimate Coda Handbook for People & HR Teams
The Ultimate Coda Handbook for People & HR Teams

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ALT: LY Ultimate Guide for People Teams in Coda

A guide to how you can level up your people teams by streamlining and running your processes more efficiently.

Please note, this entire doc is v much a work in progress! Don’t get too tied down to specific words/wording ;)

Drive efficiency while delivering the ever delightful human touch.

People teams are essential to shaping organizational success but we often find ourselves in a space of burdensome administrative tasks, fragmented processes, and not enough time to focus on strategic initiatives and focus on what matters most — our people.
What was once seen as traditional HR, managing administrative tasks and filing paperwork has since seen hundreds of those processes automated and streamlined. The People Operations space stands to benefit the most from automation and tool efficiency as it involves much of data management.
Tasks like writing custom messages to be sent on a specific day, having your off-boarding team shut down systems for a departure, taking and summarizing notes from an exit interview are small tasks that add up and can lead to major gaps if the ball is dropped in any one area. Instead of spending a large budget to buy different tools that may not integrate or continuing a manual progress, Coda’s people team has efficient ways of running our workflows without taking away from the human component.

Rethink your workflows to drive automation and efficiency.

The two most common processes that exist for every People Operations team is the onboarding and off-boarding workflow. From welcome emails, shipping equipment, knowledge share for your company’s structure and policies, sending exit information, adding then removing them from proper systems, the list goes on.
At Coda we automate this process while maintaining a human touch. That means you can mass emailing your new onboarding group with a click of a button while addressing an employee’s name, start date, manager, noting special circumstances - all from one doc. Taking the time to establish a thoughtful process will help ensure nothing slips through the cracks. It’s especially important if you have a team bigger than one, as your partner(s) will need to know where you’re at in the process. Instead of having to update them via messenger or email, help them self-service by looking it up in an up to date, live tracker.
Take a look at our comprehensive guide for how you can set yourself up to from onboarding to offboarding, both from the People Team perspective and the employee perspective.

Key Templates for onboarding & offboarding:

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Reduce repeat questions and guide your employees towards self-service.

If you’ve ever wished you could just clone yourself…. You are not alone. If we had to guess the question underneath that, sounds like you’re asking.. how do we scale ourselves? One way we’ve found really effective is by creating an internal wiki. It’s essentially you in digital format, accessible at all hours of the day and night! 😉
It’s important to house a centralized repository of information, frequently asked questions, company policies, guidelines, and operating principles. By having all of this housed in one location, you can encourage employees to check this first and foster a more efficient and independent workforce. Employees like to have responses to their questions quickly, and this is one of the ways they can do that without being dependent on an available team member.
And remember, nobody wants to read a stuffy doc! We try to write in a way that’s appealing to the reader, which means no complex jargon whenever we can help it! You can make your text be approachable, just as they would experience if they had a conversation with you on the same question. Bring your company’s personality and culture onto the page whether through visuals or writing style.
We’ve shared most of our company wiki to help get you started, all you have to do is tailor it!

Key Templates:

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Learn more here .

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