Focus points are certain elements or objects within the layout that attract, or are supposed to attract, the user’s attention. This could be a header, a graphical element, a button, etc
Density of Text
Emphasis of Important Elements
Organization of Information
Clean Graphical Implementation Every text body needs some sort of visual support, be it an image, icon, graph or illustration. Placing the graphic in the article can be challenging. Sufficient space is needed between the graphic and text.
Asked Harshita:
unclear whether buttons vs card vs text are better. We can test both
every template should have a gif so that the read know what they are getting themselves into.
use text formatting (bullet points, numbered list) to break up chunks of text
She was impressed with how quickly we got this together!!
Driver tasks:
tracking progess
Champions not necessarily head of people
templates and pacing. keep in mind this is an asset for customers
importance of the landing page
Landing page: catch their attention of diversity narrative > section: explain the connection b/tw People team problem + Coda solutions > templates: deep dive
bones of sections:
3 problems/hot takes AND how Coda can address them per section?
content - are we saying what we want AND should be saying to convince others
reminder this is a customer asset
Guidance for our team?
who is our audience
head of people
champions researching all tool
how much do we show vs tell
other people docs
Updates to the team:
do not worry about screenshots. just write! refine your messaging. track down coda solutions to reference
Alice will take responsibility
Identify docs and doc needs to be built
Tips for screenshots
125% zoom size
less than 125% is hard to see
Sometimes 150% when appropriate
Resize browser to 1600x900
To create, go to ⚙️ (settings) > Presets > + (create a new preset) > Resize target to Viewport, enter in width x height > save preset
For resizing window:
Chrome extension: Window Resizer
For Screenshots:
Cmd Shift 4
For GIFs:
screencast as GIF
screencast as HD Video if you want to add a border and shadow (Lena has offered to do in Camtasia)
When featuring something, collapse page nav
Keep to one table so the page content is simple and clean
Remove the notifications in your profile in the top right corner (unless it may be helpful to include)