The Ultimate Coda Handbook for People & HR Teams
The Ultimate Coda Handbook for People & HR Teams

Working Session

Agenda 8/16

What you’ve been working on? (demo)
Where can you use help? (requests)
What’s the one thing to do to get to you closer to V1? (priority)
Section by section
review each section


Clare: Leah and I have been working on EE. Updated some sections, added templates.
asks for the team: 2 docs to work on - codathon and team gathering docs
hari built doc for q2 superserve work together session. great example. doc that went from voting for dates to sharing travel plans, to creating out agenda, to personalized view. what i need to do is templatize. need help doing that. never done that. need help to templatize this doc.
ASKS: help w/ templates, mainly Codathon given need it for the event
RT: pick one - codathon or team gathering doc
CG: finish rev on moments of delight
Leah: sent out two docs - stand alone feedback and how to use coda for workshop facilitation, so would love feedback on those. are those still the right docs to include? published and now would love comments on the blurbs we have then can help others
ASKS: proof two templates sent to channel
Need codans about town template now. For Codathon, in a month.
Lucy: owning people operations page - four main templates- comp, headcount, wiki, and ticketing. ticketing is last section have left. otherwise, word-dumping and make snappier / easier to digest. checking out the narrative of the templates. need to fix one broken template.
ASKS: give feedback on the three written out sections
Emmeline: have finished perf narrative and templates. working on team hub. have mainly been working on template, so need to build out narrative. it’s mainly done in terms of sections i want to include.
ASKS: Are these the essential bits to include? Take out? Balance it not being too expansive but still usable. Any feedback on perf page.
also been talking to folks in network and a couple things that came out — a lot of how they talk about their pain points are management enablement. while i like the flow, it made me wonder if we should do a manager enablement section? or more intentional in the narrative? getting ideas on people analytics to make decisions, change management and frameworks for that. can add to 10x grid solutions doc too.
Ask: more of a rhythm of how to review what we want in this doc. how to engage outside folks on templates.
RT: Kenny has the most experience with influencers, good person to connect with or he can talk to all of us. SAs are not available given their bandwidth.
LR: talk track of manager enablement, inclusion is sprinkle throughout. use the words more often. maybe in the front page.
Another page of view: Resources for X:
Internal People Ops
LR: V1 Main persona is head of people
EK: guidance - do all the hw for this because the operations person will be closely reviewing it
Amy: can build a table like the one in SSM’s doc, can build
Amy: edited a few things to make suggestions, so can help Lucy w/ that. can own table

Agenda 8/18

Align with driver tasks (from Sharon)
First page and section bones alignment
What different versions could look like?
Updates to the team

Driver tasks:
tracking progress - keeping people on task
by people
look and feel of the guide
Champions not necessarily head of people
it is champion but still a fan of somewhat condensed
punchy, show it without too much details (V2 for more details)
champions are still gonna scan. and go back to what is interesting
templates and pacing. keep in mind this is an asset for customers

Importance of the first page
My initial thought that I’m open for other thoughts
Landing page: catch their attention of diversity narrative > section: explain the connection b/tw People team problem + Coda solutions > templates: deep dive
Guide for product team currently has a lot of info on the assumption that we need to sell them with the first page
3 same screenshot on the same line

Bones of sections
3 problems/hot takes AND how Coda can address them per section?
punchline at the top
maybe subpages
bigger discussion for format

Version Goals
content - are we saying what we want AND should be saying to convince others
Identify doc solutions
Guidance for our team?
who is our audience
champions researching all tool
Raechel: filling in the blurb
Alice: guiding the eye

good job in getting main guide together
get it all pulled
defined format sharper, simplified language how much do we show vs tell feedback from V1
other people docs
There are no rows in this table

Updates to the team:
do not worry about screenshots. just write! refine your messaging. track down coda solutions to reference
Alice will take responsibility
Identify docs and doc needs to be built

Agenda 8/23

Pulse checks- what’s your writing energy level?
Talk more about getting to V1 that we present to others
Lucy: good with couple of pages (,
Haven’t looked at anyone else. Should
Emmeline: greenlight to start reviewing
Amy: Appendix: Request from others: use case section, it is accurate and brainstorming extra tags
currently pulled in other directions
Once owner greenlights, there section it falls on the drivers to review and provide concrete feedback (previously it was unclear if folks were still working on their sections). If folks have time, they are welcome to review but we will tap in folks as needed. For now owners can resume other projects.

Check in:
Audience framing/format:
Persona/HR team based framing or
for roles, it can tough on different problem/solution sets. it no longer is 6 things to solve for. you’re describing a world of many tasks
for general idea, it is more singularly tracked and more problems to solve for. you’re describing a world and deep diving into the solution
Could it be first and last are general ideas and then the middle 4 are persona’s and their day to day?

Are they the same few problems that we are solving for but just in dif contexts?
Source of truth, reminders, streamline, tool consolidation, shared language, automations, documentation, flexibility, customization of your own system

Now what does this have to do with Coda? Well, we are getting closer and closer to our Coda 4.0 launch and I personally could not be more excited. One of the focuses for this launch is creating a set of Ultimate Handbooks that tell people why, and show them how, they can use Coda in their respective role. We know we have a powerful set of building blocks, but most people are unable to look at an open lot with a bunch of powerful tools, lumber, marble, flooring, etc. and visualize their dream home. They need to walk into it. They need to see more than the blank canvas and individual components. They can handle making minor updates that will get them to their dream state, but asking them to do heavy remodeling is a stretch. Not everyone is Bob Vila, Tim “The Toolman” Taylor or Jasmine Roth, and these experts only represent a small % of the total population. With these solution guides we will capture a much wider audience who need more help understanding the why and how.After our 4.0 launch when you talk to a sales rep, an engineering manager, a marketing leader, an IT director, etc. and they ask “What is Coda?” you can confidently respond that Coda is the all-in-one digital workspace that brings all of your work together in one place and helps teams execute faster, increases alignment and saves money on point solutions. Then you can send them the Ultimate Guide specific to their role so they can understand why they should use Coda, along with templates that show them how to get started with Coda immediately.It is so energizing to see the love that flows in from our current customers and I deeply believe this next phase in our journey with 4.0 will help millions and millions of people see how Coda can revolutionize the way they work.

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