Train Fitness Help & FAQ
Beta Team (TestFlight)

TestFlight Instructions

The purpose of TestFlight is to give you the most up-to-date versions of the Train Fitness app before the general public so that you can test and provide feedback.
How it works:
Once you accept your invite, you’ll download the TestFlight app and install the newest version of Train Fitness. Once installed, your Train Fitness app will automatically be the most recent beta version.
After you sign up for the Train Ambassador program, you’ll be sent an email from TestFlight within 2 days.
In the email, click Accept, and then download the TestFlight app

Open the TestFlight app on your phone, you should see the Train Fitness App on the home page. Click “Update” and you’ll now have the most up-to-date beta version of Train Fitness.
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From here, you can now start testing. To confirm you’re set up correctly, open the Train Fitness app. You should see “Beta Mode” on the top left of your home screen.
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You’ll receive a notification when a new app version is available for download typically every 4-6 weeks.
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