Train Fitness Help & FAQ
Help & FAQ

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What is calibration?

Calibration is at the core of Train’s technology — it’s a simple way for Train users to contribute to the AI motion-detection software that we use, making Train more proficient and accurate at detecting your workouts and unique exercise movements.
In essence, Calibration requires filming a set while you wear your watch, allowing us to collect valuable data on how you move. This data is then used to Train our models, to increase overall exercise detection performance. Analyzing the movement of your watch while exercising, our AI models fine-tune and improve their detection accuracy (specific to you) after each calibration.

Videos from calibrations are never used for marketing, promotion, or shared outside of Train’s AI process. We do not share this data or video content with any third parties, and delete the videos once analysis is complete.

How do I Calibrate?

Before being able to calibrate, you must have completed at least one workout. This involves downloading the Train Fitness app from the App Store, opening the app, pressing begin workout, and pressing finish workout (note that your first workout must be at least 1 minute for it to count).
You are now eligible to calibrate. When you are ready to perform a workout set, open the Train app on your iPhone and Apple Watch, press Begin Workout, and swipe left. You will now see a screen with 4 options: settings, record, end, and pause (remember this screen for step 3). When you are ready to perform your set, position your phone in a stable location such that your body and movement are fully visible, and the front camera is facing you.
Once your phone is in place, press record on the top right side of your Apple Watch screen. Your phone will now display a 3-second countdown, and begin recording with the front-facing camera when it hits zero.
Once your iPhone is recording, perform your set as usual, with 8-10 reps. Once finished, press end calibration on your Apple Watch, and the video will automatically be saved. Repeat the calibration for 3 sets for it to count (by pressing record again after each set). Once your 3 sets are complete, you can collect your phone and move to the next exercise.

Which exercises should I calibrate?

Are you enjoying Train and want to help improve the app? If so, calibrate specifically from this to help improve our AI detection accuracy.
Calibration works best when the sets are as realistic as possible. We suggest using a challenging, but comfortable weight.

🙋‍♀️ Frequently Asked Questions

Where should I put the camera?

Place the camera so that your full body and the Apple Watch are visible. You can use a ledge, dumbbell, wall corner, gym partner, or tripod to stabilize your phone while filming... get creative!

What happens to my calibration videos?

Once you film a calibration, your video is automatically uploaded to Train’s private database for a quick review. This review takes about 2 seconds per calibration, to ensure that you are in the frame, doing an exercise, and wearing your Apple Watch! These videos are not shared anywhere.

Is my data safe?

Absolutely. Your calibration videos are stored securely and are used only to improve our AI models. We do not share your data with third parties.

How often should I calibrate?

We recommend calibrating new exercises whenever you add them to your workout routine. While calibrating might seem inconvenient if you’re aiming for a quick workout, the small amount of time you invest will enhance the accuracy and smoothness of your Train experience in the long term.
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