Train Fitness Help & FAQ
Help & FAQ

Setting your Weight

Depending on the equipment you’re using, Train Fitness suggests you log the weight as follows:
Barbell Exercises: Log the weight you are lifting including the bar. E.g. if you are lifting 10lbs on each side of a 45lb barbell, you would log 10+10+45, or 65lbs. ** Update this to KG for kg users
X2 (Double) Exercises: Exercises denoted with “x2” in the selected weight are performed with some set weight in each hand. As such, log the weight of a single arm when performing a “x2” exercise. E.g. if you are performing bicep curls with 10lbs dumbbells in each hand, you would log 10lb, as bicep curls are denoted with the “x2” in the weight column. ** Update this to KG for kg users
[Show screenshot of the x2]
For all other exercises, log the weight as you see on the equipment.

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