Unlock a better workflow with game-changing integrations

Highlights from our Packs webinar series with key tips on how to boost your collaboration and productivity using our 600+ integrations including Slack, Jira, Gmail, and Salesforce.

Tool consolidation · 13 min read
In film and TV, there’s a term used when describing the memorable first encounter between two characters—the “meet-cute.” It’s applied when describing an introduction that changes the trajectory of the main character. Here at Coda, that "meet-cute" is our integrations. Or Packs, as we call them. If you haven’t been introduced to our Packs yet, you can learn more about how they help save tabs, clicks, and time for teams every day in my power your productivity blog post here. In short, Packs are an extension of what makes your docs shift from great to incredible. It’s a doc’s meet-cute that elevates it to a whole new (and better) level, and makers from all over the world are adding new Packs every day. To make it easy for you to pick up and start, we've gathered some Coda experts to teach you how to connect all of your favorite platforms and extend your Coda’s capabilities by miles. Keep scrolling for a recap on each webinar in the series—Integrations, Slack, Jira, Gmail, and Salesforce—or use the shortcut links on the side panel to jump to a specific one.

The magic of Coda Packs: Integrations that drive productivity

Think of this webinar as your intro class to Packs. Packs expert and developer advocate Eric Koleda covers what Packs are, what they can do, and how you can use them to extend your doc’s capabilities.

1. Eliminate copy-pasting busywork.

Whether you’re sending the same welcome onboarding email to new clients, inviting people to recurring meetings, updating your boss on your progress on a project, or double-checking the accuracy of spreadsheets and messaging—copying and pasting feels like an inevitability. It’s not. Or at least, not as often as all that. We have Packs for most major messaging and project management tools, meaning you can trust Coda to keep your team and your data updated across platforms. With Packs like Gmail, Calendly, Outlook, or Slack, you can send updates, schedule meetings, and share data without ever leaving your doc. With two-way sync, Packs can both pull and push live updates in Coda, ensuring your data stays up to date without extra steps, saving you time and effort while keeping everything in sync automatically. That means things with data-heavy integrations, like Jira and Salesforce, you don’t need manual updates every time. Instead, it enables real-time collaboration across teams for quicker action and faster results.
“People hate copying and pasting, and everyone’s juggling 12 different apps every day. With Packs, you can bring in outside data and work with it directly inside Coda.”
Eric Koleda
Developer Advocate at Coda
These messaging and data management Packs eliminate the time you might otherwise waste hovering in a document waiting for updates or emailing colleagues to make sure you have the latest version of the table you need.

2. With formulas and automations, Packs compound their reach.

Packs multiply Coda’s already impressive formula language and automation capabilities by letting different apps and data talk to each other behind your back—in a good way, of course. Here are a few ways that could work. Say someone on your team finishes a task, and they need to let their manager know. If you add the Slack Pack to a project tracker table in Coda, managers will get a notification in Slack as soon as a task is marked done. If Slack isn’t your team’s favorite communication method, no worries! You can do the same with several other email or messaging platforms. Even better, that one action could trigger both a Slack message and an automation that will sort the finished task straight to the manager’s own to-do list. The entire hand-off back and forth (and the routine miscommunications therein) is eliminated.
With Pack buttons and automations, you can take an action in an outside system directly from your doc—click a button, and it updates your data instantly.
Eric Koleda
Developer Advocate at Coda
Packs and automations can work together to send meeting reminders, track attendance, and send follow-up emails without you having to do anything at all. Automations reduce context switching and communication lag by allowing users to trigger emails, update records, and sync information across platforms with minimal effort.

3. Not the Packs you’re looking for? You can always add your own.

The Coda Packs Gallery has over 600 Packs, and more are added all the time. But if you happen to need a capability or integration that isn’t already covered, you’re welcome to build your own. Creating custom packs is relatively accessible, even for those who aren’t professional coders. And you never have to worry about security in Packs you build or those others create. The developers never see any login information. The general Packs platform is designed with enterprise-grade security, ensuring user data and credentials are protected even when using Packs created by others.

The magic of Coda Packs: Slack + Coda

If you’re switching between Slack and your other tools every few minutes, you’re adding hundreds of tiny disruptions to your workflow. This webinar will help you build a day with less background noise pulling you away from deep work.

1. Smarter data sharing makes collaboration a breeze.

Housing your work in Coda doesn’t mean it’s isolated, not when you have the Slack Pack to function like an intercom. With the Slack Pack, you can hit a single button to instantly communicate vital information to the whole team.
One of the easiest ways to do this is by adding a Slack button to a project tracking table. Then, team members can hit a Slack update in the same space that they switch a project status to done. Not only does this save your team from having to switch between apps to hand over a project, it quiets the noise on the end of whoever is waiting for said project. Managers don’t have to Slack their teams for updates when they know they’ll get an update as soon as it’s in. Worst comes to worst, they can check the project tracker from within their team’s doc, instead of switching apps and typing out a message. Michael Ichioka, a Coda customer success manager helps build solutions like this all the time. “If you think about time you're spending having to copy and paste status updates or respond to questions about information that is technically accessible in Coda, but maybe folks just don't know quite where to find it... this can be a really great way to bridge that gap.”

2. Let Coda do the Slacking for you, automatically.

So, you’ve set up a project table where teams can link their work, mark it as done, and then hit a button to send an update to the team Slack. But what if you could reduce hand off friction even further? When paired with Coda’s native formulas and automations, Packs become even more powerful. We’ve helped many teams set up project trackers where switching the status button of any given project automatically triggers a Slack update. With the right automations, you can even build a project request table based entirely on Slack messages. Anyone on any team can send a Slack message to a designated channel, and it will automatically populate a new row on a table with all the data your team needs. You can even set it to auto-respond to any requestors giving you a longer window to check in personally. There are plenty of other use cases out there. Some teams have automated daily Slack summaries to reduce manual follow-ups and improve team awareness. Others send automated Slack reminders before meetings and AI-assisted summaries after. Closer coordination is possible without sending more messages.

3. All the important notifications—without the disruption.

Fewer notifications simply makes for a better workflow. How often have you been deep in the thinking-heavy elements of your job when Slack chimes, and you completely change track over something that probably could have waited an hour or two? While instant notifications are helpful, they can become overwhelming. A more strategic approach, such as batching updates and setting time-based automations, ensures that information is shared efficiently without creating notification fatigue. “If you think about Coda, it's this collaborative canvas, and Slack is where your team lives and communicates, right?" Michael says.
"A really good way to get more value out of the stuff you're already doing inside of Coda is to engage with people on Slack to deliver the right information at the right time.”
Michael Ichioka
Customer Success at Coda
You can automate daily, or even weekly, status updates and responses to requests with Coda and the Slack Pack working together. That means teams can cut down on repetitive Slack messages and manually copy-pasting responses to each new request that comes through. You can allocate more time to higher-value tasks and less to reading, sorting, and responding to Slacks.

The magic of Coda Packs: Jira + Coda

The truth is, if your team is switching between Zoom, Jira, and your favorite spreadsheet or project management tool during your meetings, you’re losing time.

1. Speed through standup.

When you integrate Jira into your Coda doc, team leads can speed through status reports, assignments, and the general team temperature-taking that happens when everyone gets together. In this webinar, Jordan Milner, a solutions architect here at Coda, shows off a standup template that displays current assignments with the Jira Pack. Team members add their feelings and major updates to the table before the meeting, where their capacity lives next to easily (and rearrangeable) current assignments. With this table, everything needed for a good meeting is right in one screen, which the team lead can use to run standup (and check in on progress throughout the week!) without switching a single tab.

2. Solve more (Jira) problems with less back and forth.

The Jira Pack offers two-way sync, so any changes you make to issues or assignments in Coda will be reflected in Jira. So any record in either platform is implicitly trustworthy. With Coda as your single source of truth, teams can move forward with their tasks with the full confidence that every record they check is up to date.
Keeping Jira data next to things like briefs, requests, and project trackers means every task on everyone’s dashboard is fully contextualized. But at the same time, Coda’s filtering capabilities make it easy to break out your or a teammate’s to-do list, so you can focus on only the most relevant tasks or issues. “I know it's helped me out, as someone who hates going between multiple pages updating Jira,” Jordan says.

3. Knock out bugs in record time.

Coda’s tables make it easy to build filtered views for tracking and quickly assigning high-priority bugs. By linking a Coda table to your team’s Jira issues table, new requests will automatically populate in the team doc. Adding a column with a quick thumbs up button allows team leads to source volunteers with a single click.
“This makes it really easy for engineers. Asynchronously, they can come in here and see what bugs need to be assigned.”
Jordan Milner
Solutions Architect at Coda
Once they’ve chosen the right engineer for the task, team leads can add them as an assignee, and the new task will populate on their dashboard.

The magic of Coda Packs: Gmail + Coda

Send the same email as many times as you need to—without copying or pasting. Need we say more? In this webinar, Coda Event Marketing Lead Liz Marxen shows how to set up a Gmail-connected table that lets you send emails with the click of a button.

1. Centralization makes room for collaboration.

Managing outreach efforts can become overwhelming without a structured system. At an enterprise level, there’s a surprising amount of data and conversation swirling behind every email you send. Creating a single source of truth makes it easy for teams to work together on maintaining endlessly segmented lists, drafting and redrafting email copy to all your stakeholders’ standards, and hitting a consistent tone across campaigns. "I send a lot of comms to customers and prospects, inviting them to events, sending reminders and managing follow up,” Liz says.
“By working in this central hub, the collaboration is really, really easy amongst all of the stakeholders."
Liz Marxen
Event Marketing Lead at Coda
When you use a table instead of managing emails through multiple platforms, everyone who needs to be involved on the pre-send side of an email campaign can see who’s getting what and even not approval with the click of a button. Building a structured system is more efficient and makes it easier to see if something is missed.

2. Hassle-free customization lets your customers feel seen.

You know as well as we do that personalized emails have higher engagement and conversion rates. Once you’ve pulled contacts into your Coda tables with a CSV file, customization is instant. Liz shows how to build variables like @FirstName into email templates to dynamically insert recipient-specific details, ensuring your outreach efforts feel tailored rather than generic. On a similar note, segmentation is essential. Not all contacts need the same information at the same time. With the table Liz shows off in the webinar, organization is active and applicable. By adding a column identifying which contacts are customers, prospects, or follow ups, you can send three different sets of copy to contacts stored in the same table. This way, there’s no keeping spreadsheets updated, no copy/pasting names from one segment to the other, and no mistaking who’s who. Customizing messages both ensures tailored messaging and improves engagement rates. So, we’ve saved you a few steps already. Instead of individually copy/pasting names, email addresses, and segmented copy into your Gmail, you’re sending customized emails, from your personal or shared email address, with the press of a button, directly from the table where you store your email lists.

3. Everybody makes mistakes. Luckily, Packs aren’t people.

This table’s usefulness doesn’t end with the actual sending of the email. With the Gmail Pack, you’ll never have to worry about missing someone or sending a duplicate. It’s all recorded in the same table you used to send it. With a results column, the table will generate a unique number that blocks the “send email” button from being pressed again. That means no annoying clients or potentials with spam or a lack of communication. That said, if you need to use the same list again for a new campaign, you can clear the number, add new copy, and use all of your data as often as you need to. This also works if you realize you somehow added the wrong email address. Edit your data, clear that sent record, and send again.

The magic of Coda Packs: Salesforce + Coda

Talk about two platforms that play well together. With Salesforce integrated into Coda, you’ll save hours of tab switching. In this webinar, Kristen Lobo, a product specialist here at Coda shows you how to elevate your Salesforce workflow to be even more efficient and collaborative.

1. Let the whole team in on real-time data.

With the Salesforce Pack, Coda tables can give you and your team—including any stakeholders that don’t have Salesforce access—live insights into your data. It’s a two-way sync Pack, meaning any edits you make to Salesforce data in Coda are reflected in the other platform, and vice versa. Users can manually approve edits before sending or enable automatic syncing for instant updates.
You can create report and record tables in Coda simply by starting a new table in Coda and linking your Salesforce account to the Pack. “We didn’t have to configure any report—just connected it, filtered, and it brought in exactly what we needed,” Kristen says.

2. Salesforce data is more powerful with Coda’s customization.

Salesforce is a powerful tool on its own, but Coda’s agile organizational capabilities extend it much further. Once your Salesforce data is integrated into Coda, you can sort and utilize it in ways that don’t exist in Salesforce. You can add extra columns like notes, team comments, or tags you can’t in Salesforce. Or, you can use canvas columns for rich-text formatting, bullet points, or embedded content. Together, these extended abilities contextualize your data for anyone who needs to see any view of it.
"I can type a bunch of rich text, format it however I want, and keep it all in Coda—without messing with Salesforce data."
Kristen Lobo
null at Coda
Coda tables are endlessly replicable, and they’re the foundation for many an automatically-generated report. Your team can use Salesforce data as the basis for supporting vizualizations, by using filtered or chart views in report. “You’re not just looking at numbers—you’re creating a dynamic workspace that enhances collaboration,” Kristen says.

3. Data makes more sense in context.

With the Salesforce Pack, Coda can serve as a central hub for account plans, meeting notes, and action items. With your Salesforce data as just one element of the page, you can keep email lists next to campaign briefs and copy drafts, prospective clients next to the onboarding process, or storefront data next to mock ups.
“All of our sales reps love using Coda for account planning—it keeps everything in one place and aligned with Salesforce,”
Kristen Lobo
null at Coda
Sales teams at Coda rely on the Salesforce Pack to organize opportunities, set goals, and track progress.

Extend your doc with the right Packs today.

There is a short learning curve to installing and maintaining a stable of Packs. With the help of these webinars, you’ll be up and running with exciting new capabilities in a half hour or less, and we’ll keep creating more for you all the time. And if you’re excited to keep learning about Coda’s powerful capabilities, check out our extensive list of webinars on-demand.

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