10 free meeting templates with AI

How to use AI before, during, and after meetings.

Meetings · 4 min read
Navigating the world of meetings can sometimes feel like a juggling act, requiring you to balance agendas, notes, and action items—without dropping any balls. A truly productive meeting, especially one that includes prep and follow-up work, is no small feat to organize. But what if there were a way to lighten the load? We’ve created ten AI-enhanced templates that ease the burden of meeting minutiae. Whether you’re having a recurring one-on-one or an important one-off brainstorm, these templates can help you discover how to reclaim the true purpose of your huddles: collaboration, clarity, and action.

1. Coda meeting notes with AI: Shortcut your follow-up.

Let’s face it: taking notes is one of the least exciting parts of any meeting. Plus, it can be difficult to keep track of what was covered and determine next steps, especially if you covered a lot of ground. With this template, Coda AI can generate a summary of everything you discussed and a create clear list of action items.

2. Coda standup notes with AI: Sync your team instantly.

Daily standups are particularly helpful for sprints or crunch periods. But when up against a deadline, every moment counts, and you need to keep the team in sync with each decision. Use this template to quickly hash out discussion topics and send AI-generated summaries to the broader team.

3. Coda discussion tracker with AI: Capture group insights easily.

Like a potluck where each person brings a different dish, great teams value everyone’s input. It’s key to listen to all ideas, not just the loudest or first ones. With voting buttons and AI to capture next steps, this template makes sure every person’s feedback gets included.

4. Coda Dory and Pulse with AI: Smarter Q&A.

At Coda, we’re big fans of the “Dory,” a simple ranked Q&A tool that helps avoid groupthink. Everyone can add questions and upvote/downvote them, while AI pulls out the action items from the discussion. Dory pairs nicely with a “pulse check,” which quickly polls where everyone stands, and AI helps you understand the group sentiment.

5. Coda team retrospective with AI: Action-oriented reflection.

Before diving right into your next initiative, it’s a good idea for the team to look back at the previous one and go over what went well and what could go better. This template lets each team member share their opinions and key takeaways and, with the support of AI, guides the meeting discussion toward clear action items.

6. Coda goal-setting brainstorm with AI: Shape your success, together.

Sometimes the hardest part of planning is getting started. While you want to craft objectives that resonate with the whole team, collecting everyone’s ideas and feedback and then converting them into clear goals can be a huge task. With this template, each team member weighs in (live or async) and then AI puts together an initial set of goals. So instead of separate meetings to collect feedback, discuss, and draft goals—you can accomplish this in just one.

7. Coda one-on-one meetings with AI: Personalize your progress.

One-on-one docs tend to look the same, no matter what kind of support the team member needs. Typically, they’re a single doc with a running log of notes added every meeting. As this log gets longer, it stops being an effective tool for reflecting on growth and making progress toward goals. This AI-enabled template lets you organize your topics, reflect on feedback, and clearly distill action items so you get the most from your one-on-one meetings.

8. Coda meeting minutes with AI: Capture key moments.

Detailed meeting minutes can serve as important records for accountability and transparency for anyone who missed the discussion. However, as you have recurring meetings, it can be tough to find specific information, like the date of a certain decision or what needs to be covered in the next meeting. This template helps with both, letting you format your notes, get auto-generated summaries, and review recommendations of what topics to revisit.

9. Coda to-do with Google Calendar & AI: Organize your objectives.

Task prioritization means striking a tricky balance between importance and urgency. This template uses the Google Calendar Pack to help track what you need to do before each meeting. And with Coda AI, you can rest assured that nothing will get missed.

10. Coda meeting notes & follow-up with AI: Instant email drafts.

If you speak with customers, investors, or external partners regularly, then the combination of meetings and emails can quickly consume your week. Instead, take notes in this template and let Coda AI draft a follow-up email you can edit and send, freeing you up to close more deals, work on your goals, or just grab another coffee.

Less hassle, more impact.

Meetings are the pulse of workplace progress, yet far too many are unproductive. With our 10 free AI-powered meeting templates, you can transform meetings from mundane to momentum-driving, with clear takeaways and action items. These templates are your toolkit for efficiency, accountability, and clarity in every meeting, from brainstorming sessions to one-on-ones. Select the template that aligns with your process and let Coda AI take your meetings from routine to high-impact.

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