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August 2021

New in August: Frozen columns 🥶, the Coda app for Zoom 🔌, (even) faster docs 🏎 , and more 🎉.
Before we tell you what’s new (a lot!), we’d like to invite you to our second-ever Block Party. On October 6th, the global maker community will come together virtually for some big talks, clever docs, and brand-new building blocks. Register quickly to secure your Block Party swag box.
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Mastering the controlled slide.
If you’ve spent your days on that horizontal scroll, going back and forth to make sense of your data, you can officially chill. —one of the most requested features ever—is here to add an extra layer of control, and make even the widest tables easy to navigate.
We have an app for that.
Distributed teams everywhere are leaning hard on Zoom to facilitate teamwork. The makes it easy to use a Coda doc directly in a Zoom meeting. And, Coda’s most useful templates are there so you can quickly gauge attendee sentiment, take a vote, prioritize Q&A topic, and more. Should we hop on Zoom and talk about it real quick?
Fast talk.
This is not the first time you’ve heard us say “performance is a feature.” And this latest update is another in our mission for . We’ve increased the calculation and load speeds of our docs to up to 68% faster, and decreased the file size of the largest Coda docs by as much as 85%.
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Check out that view.
Expanded rows and detail views have taken off their glasses, shaken out their hair, and are ready for prom. The renders image columns as header images and display columns as headings, making for a beautiful, easy-to-read modal.

Small things considered.

🙌 : After an update to Slack’s API there was a bit of misalignment in the Pack integration, but fear not, the Slack Pack is back on track.
🏃🏽‍♀️ : You can now click on any page title or its page icon to navigate to that page. Need to edit the icon? Just double-click.
🕹 We’ve updated a bit of confusing navigation and we’re now on our absolute best click behavior.
🌈 Customize the bounds of your colored scales so things look right, even in filtered views.
📛 Want to delete a value from a people column? With this update you can search for and select “blank” to reset a cell.
🕊 We’ve toggled auto-complete to “off” in text columns, since we’ve heard that it interfered with typing.
🧭 Create button, slider, scale & control columns by dragging items from the Explore panel into your table to automatically set the column type.
🕰 When you don’t need your timer to go all the way down to the second, this update lets you choose whether you want the output to be seconds, minutes, hours, or days.
👀 When you need to double check a hidden table title, you can reveal it simply by hovering over the three dot (or kebab) menu.
⬆️ We’ve updated the behavior for pasting tables with unlinked duplicate data, so that the number increments by 1 each time.
🎧 Hide the cursors of the rest of your team when you’re working in the same doc and need a little bit of extra focus.
🔓 We’ll keep your doc unlocked for you as you navigate between pages until you lock it again—or until 10 minutes of inactivity.
🔗 We’ve stepped up our link game and made it possible to link to a specific comment in a thread, rather than send someone to the top of what might be a lengthy discussion.
🖼 Would you look at that, all non-GIF images are now loading up to 60% faster in Coda docs.
🤓 Coda’s newest API supports auditing activities via an event log for all enterprise workspaces.

Watch and learn.

Level-up your Coda skills with the help of Maria’s upcoming webinars. Browse our , or RSVP to one of these August sessions:
- 8/23 @ 3p Pacific
- 8/24 @ 9a Pacific

💡 Tip: Did you know you can use the Concatenate() formula in Coda tables with the Slack and/or Gmail Packs to send automated, custom reminders to your teammates? Watch our upcoming webinar to learn how!

Procrastination corner.

Want to look like you’re working and be on Twitter at the same time? Sounds like you need this doc.

Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.