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Leaves of Absence

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Parental Leave

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What’s new? (Dec 2022)

Making it official! In the world of Parental Leave, Coda is separating post-birth disability leave from the bonding time leave by providing an additional 6-8 weeks for birthing parents to recover from delivery that is 100% paid.
Not all pregnancy recoveries are the same and by distinguishing and acknowledging the medical procedure of giving birth, birthing parents can focus on bonding with their newborn with the same 12 weeks offered to all new parents.
Previously, birthing parents had a 12 week umbrella that covered pre-birth, post-birth and bonding. If the post-birth recovery took a full 8 weeks, that would leave birthing parents with only 4 weeks of bonding. Now birthing parents will have up to 18-20 weeks of 100% paid parental leave, with 12 weeks dedicated to bonding.


Post-birth Disability Leave Details

Time & Pay: 6-8 weeks of 100% pay
6 weeks offered for vaginal birth and 8 weeks for C-section
Who’s eligible?: Birthing parents who are US-based full time or part time (30 hours) Codans. There is no tenure requirement.
Effective date: January 1, 2023
Partnered vendor: Cocoon - Create your account here
Guiding principles: Treat the Disability and Bonding Time as two different blocks so we can accomplish two things:
Continue offering equitable benefits to birthing and non-birthing parents.
Recognize the medical & physical effect birthing has on the birthing parent by providing additional paid time for recovery.

At Coda, we hope to support parents through their family journey by offering equitable benefits to birthing and non-birthing parents and also, recognize the medical & physical effect birthing has on the birthing parent by providing additional time for recovery.

Parental Leave Policy

A birthing parent is someone who is physically giving birth to a child.
A non-birthing parent is someone who is having a child without physically giving birth to a child. They may have a partner who is giving birth, or may having a child through adoption, surrogacy, or foster care. Leave for a non-birthing parent is made up of bonding and there is no disability component (unlike a birthing parent).

Pre-birth Disability
Your medical provider may prescribe pre-birth disability time (taken before the birth of the child, available to pregnant employees who are experiencing a disability or medical condition related to their pregnancy).
Coda does not offer company pay during pre-birth disability and will kick in during post-birth disability and bonding time.
Sources of pay that may be applicable. Please note, waiting period of first 7 days as medical carriers validate your information will apply.
Payments may be covered through private short term disability via Guardian
Disability from State of California
Please note that not all States cover pre-birth disability.

Bonding Time
Birthing and non-birthing parents get 12 weeks of Bonding Time.
Codans get paid 100% of their salary during those 12 weeks.

Post-birth Disability
Applicable only to the birthing parent.
6-8 weeks, depending on the type of delivery, as a disability.
Please note that not all States cover delivery as a Disability. However, through Guardian, birthing parents will receive this benefit in any state.
Birthing parents get paid 100% of their salary during those 6-8 weeks post-birth.

How to plan for your time off work?

We recommend notifying your manager 3 months prior to when you plan on taking leave. This will allow for your manager and team to come up with a transition plan to provide coverage while you’re out.
Cocoon is the platform that manages all Parental Leaves.
Create an account here [link] and enter your information. Please initiate your account creation 3 months before the start of your anticipated leave and share with your manager and Coda’s People team (Share your leave plan).
There may be additional leave time available depending on which state you’re based in, which will become visible when you start designing your leave.
When you are ready to share the news and your leave plan, you’ll be able to do it from the Cocoon platform.
Leave must be taken at least 1 week at a time and be used within 1 year of the child’s birthdate.

How does income work?

Birthing and non-birthing parents are paid 100% of their salary during any parental leave offered by Coda. (Birthing parents: 18-20 weeks; non-birthing parents: 12 weeks)
Income can come from a variety of sources including Coda, Guardian short-term disability, and the state.
Cocoon does the heavy lifting to get you your income during your leave so while there’s a lot going on behind the scenes, you don’t have to worry about it!
Coda will top up your pay based upon estimations of benefits you’ll receive from applicable state and insurance programs. For example, if you expect 60% of your normal pay to come from state and insurance programs, Coda would provide the remaining 40% to ensure that you receive full pay.
While Coda is attempting to mitigate any gaps in pay, it’s important to prepare that paychecks will be irregular. Some will come in higher than a typical paycheck and some will come in lower. Rest assured that you will receive all promised pay from Coda but know that it’s important to budget and prepare for this irregular schedule. If you are receiving benefits from state and insurance programs (all applicable claims are shown in Cocoon), you’ll want to keep track of payments received. Cocoon also offers a pay tracker in your account where you can see additional details of each payment.

Multiple babies?? 👶👶

Coda’s parental leave policy is structured to support each instance of pregnancy (the condition or period of being pregnant). Each pregnancy is generally treated as one instance, regardless of the number of babies.
You may qualify for additional unpaid leave if you have multiple births depending on which state you reside in. Cocoon will help identify whether you are eligible for this.

Parents support via Maven Clinic

We previously offered parenting support through Cleo Baby (until January 2023). Your parenting journey from pre-conception to child support will now be covered through Maven. Please see:

Please contact [email] if you have any questions.


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