Making a People Operations Wiki on Coda
Guidelines & Info

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International Remote Work

Temporary International Remote Work

Allowed up to 60 days per calendar year, with manager approval


We’re a distributed and diverse company and want to support Codans with what makes sense for their personal needs, while considering business impacts and the complexities of international travel and regulation. Employees may work internationally remote up to a period of 60 days per calendar year. Any extension may pose risk to foreign jurisdiction payroll and tax ruling. General guidelines are that you are expected to work US hours while abroad and that you will pick a time zone that is least disruptive to your team, however, please partner with your manager to arrange a schedule that works best.
Hot Tip: Several countries offer remote work visas with more coming in the future. Check this page for some .
Understand that due to the complexities of international travel, you cannot expressly enter a country and indicate that you are there to work; your primary reason is vacation and disconnecting.
Some countries impose strict rules. To help protect our company and customer information, our policies prohibit taking corporate owned devices to the sanctioned countries listed,
Temp Intl Remote Work Process
Employees will meet with their current manager to discuss their temporary international remote work plans and talk through the following considerations:
Timeframe - how long do you anticipate working abroad?
Establish working hours - you agree to be actively online during these work-hours.
Meeting expectations - address whether some meetings are optional vs. mandatory given your agreed-upon working hours.
Get manager approval and fill out the International Travel form.
Request #it-help to enable your Okta for international access. Please include the dates you’ll be abroad.
For those on US visas, please reach out to our immigration lawyer prior to traveling to ensure the ability to re-enter the U.S.
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Intl Travel Must-Do's
Do your due diligence
Health Care Coverage
Your healthcare coverage may be limited or non-existent abroad. Please email [contact] to verify your coverage for your country of travel and if relevant, we recommend looking into travel insurance for health care coverage. This will not be eligible for reimbursement as it falls under personal travel.
Valid Passport
To enter most countries your passport must be valid for at least six months from your date of entry, even if you’re only staying for a few days. Border guards may refuse entry if your passport doesn’t have enough blank pages available. If you are reaching the end of your passport pages, get more pages added before you travel or apply for a new passport.
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