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New Hire Onboarding

Last edited 470 days ago by Raechel Timme
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New Codans’ first two weeks on the job are designed to orient them to our company, our product, and our rituals and values. During this time, we work actively to build a sense of belonging and community within each start class, and allow for new Codans to get acquainted with their team and role. In addition to any role-specific onboarding, here are the components of a New Hire’s experience in the first two weeks at Coda.


Managers send notes to their hires before their first day, and welcome them with (virtual) open arms on day one! Managers assign an onboarding buddy ahead of their start day. While their buddy will be instrumental in getting the new hire acclimated, managers are ultimately responsible for a new hire’s experience at Coda. Managers meet 1:1 on their first day to build relationships and set expectations, and give new hires the support and guidance to prioritize and spend the majority of their first two weeks in NHO Sessions and Coda Bootcamp (more info below). Managers connect new hires to their team members, meetings, docs and slack channels, and to team-specific onboarding resources.

Onboarding Buddy

As a companion to new Codans, onboarding buddies help new hires feel welcomed, included, and informed. Buddies get new Codans familiar with their teams, teammates, and company / team rituals. Buddies help new hires navigate the tools and trainings presented during onboarding, and answer questions as they come up. More about onboarding buddy responsibilities here.

Getting Started Guide

The Getting Started Guide (go/nho) is the hub of all of the new hire tasks to be done and a starting point for learning about Coda the company. New Hires have access to their GSG ahead of joining, and are encouraged to spend time absorbing its contents over their first week.

New Hire Orientation (NHO) Sessions

New hires attend live sessions about the company, hosted by tenured Codans, which cover a range of topics to ground their experience. There are 10~ hours of scheduled sessions over the two weeks. General timing and descriptions are found here.
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Coda Bootcamp

Coda runs on Coda. Given how necessary it is that all Codans feel comfortable and confident building in Coda, we dedicate a significant portion of the first two weeks to learning the building blocks and getting deep, hands-on experience with the product.
New Hires work out of the Coda Bootcamp Workbook, which is broken into four learning sections: Coda 101, 201, 301 and 401. Each learning section is broken down further into Units where a specific topic is taught (e.g. formulas, database design, etc.). Each section requires that new hires dedicate time to asynchronous learning and attend 2-hour live sessions for Q&A and collaborative group work. How much time a new hire will dedicate to asynchronous learning may vary, but folks can expect to spend between 12-15 hours in each of their first weeks on self-study.


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