Kuovonne's Guide to Airtable
Kuovonne's Guide to Airtable
Specific Solutions

Most recent form submission for ermail

Thank Kuovonne for creating this content!


This was inspired by this where the user wants a view of only the most recent record for each email.


Keep track of which record is the most recent with an automation that runs when a new record is created from a form.

Setup the schema

You will need two fields:
{IsMostRecent} checkbox field. This field is set by the automation and used to filter the view.
{Record ID} formula field. Use the formula RECORD_ID(). This metadata field is used in the automation.

Setup the automation

Create an automation that triggers when the form that creates new records is submitted.
Add an Update record action that updates the {IsMostRecent} checkbox to selected.
Add a Find records action that finds records to uncheck: records where the {IsMostRecent} checkbox is selected and the {Email} matches, but is not the triggering record.
Add a Repeating group for the results of the Find records. Under most circumstances there will be only one record in this list.
Inside the Repeating group, add an Update record action to clear the checkbox for any found records.
Here is the summary of the whole automation.

Filtering the view

You can now create a filtered view that shows only records where the {IsMostRecent} checkbox is selected.
Thank Kuovonne for creating this content!
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