Kuovonne's Guide to Airtable
Kuovonne's Guide to Airtable

Managing automation runs

Thank Kuovonne for creating this content!
How automation runs are counted:
Each time an automation is triggered counts as a single automation run, regardless of the number of actions performed. Even if no actions are performed due to a condition, as long as the automation is triggered, you have used up an automation run. On the other hand, if you have a repeating group, you could perform many, many actions on a series of records all for the cost of a single automation run!
Tests of automations do not count towards the run limit, and do not appear in the history.
For free, plus, and pro workspaces, the number of automation runs are per workspace, not per base. For enterprise workspaces, the number of automation runs appear on the workspace setting page for the workspace as a whole, but I have heard anecdotally that runs might be per base. However, if an enterprise workspace approaches or exceeds its automation runs for the month, you could simply create a new workspace and move the base to the new workspace.
Automation runs reset on the first of the month.
It is NOT possible (at this time) to purchase additional automation runs.
Ways to reduce automation runs:
Leverage repeating action groups which can perform the same actions on multiple records at a time.
If one automation triggers a different automation, consolidate them into a single automation.
If multiple automations share the same trigger, consolidate them into a single automation.
For scheduled automations, decrease the frequency of the schedule.
Use scripting to consolidate automations.
Some other notes:
In some cases when there has been a runaway automation, people have been able to explain the situation to support and get more automation runs before the end of the month.
It is NOT possible (at this time) to have more than 50 named automations in a single base (included automations that are turned off.
Upgrading from a Pro account to an enterprise account takes time. While upgrading will get you more automation runs, it will not get you them immediately. (On the other hand, upgrading from Free or Plus to Pro will get you more automation runs immediately.)
If you absolutely need more automation runs on a regular basis, use a that allows you to purchase additional runs.
Thank Kuovonne for creating this content!

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