10 min read

Leveraging doc stats

How to use doc stats to ensure your docs stay relevant and useful.

Some features mentioned are only available on Enterprise plans
Coda’s doc stats page was designed to help you understand how your docs are performing. With the addition of the AI usage section, you can also see how your AI credits are being used each month. You’ll see lots of detailed stats and charts, including...
  • Sessions per day.
  • Views per day.
  • AI usage (AI credits used by each AI feature in the doc; learn more about AI credits here).
  • Page-level statistics (available only to Enterprise customers).
  • Performance by device (desktop, mobile, and other).
For Enterprise users, these metrics are available for all docs you own or have been shared with you. In this guide, we show you how can use these metrics to ensure your doc stays relevant and useful.
What you'll get:
  • Instructions on accessing doc stats
  • Inspiration for how to use doc stats
What you'll use:
  • Doc stats dashboard

Accessing doc stats

There are 2 ways to access the doc stats page.

Doc settings

In a doc, go to settings → statistics→ See more stats

My Stats

Click on your avatar → My stats → select your doc

Leveraging doc stats

There are countless ways to leverage doc stats to improve your docs and workspace. Here are some ideas to get you started.

Keep important pages fresh

Take a look at the pages stats to find out which pages are getting the most visitors. These are the pages that people use the most, so it's crucial to keep the information on them up to date. You might want to make it a habit to check on your most popular pages every month and make any necessary updates.


It is important with any Coda doc to keep it updated and filled with only the stuff that matters. Over time, some parts of the doc might become outdated or not useful anymore, like views that were spun up for niche purposes but never deleted, or project brainstorms for initiatives long past. The pages stats can help you identify these relic pages that aren't being used. To identify the unused pages, sort by views from lowest to highest, and think about whether you can archive any of the least used pages.

Increase engagement

The amount of time a user spends on a Coda page can indicate their level of engagement. Longer viewing durations generally suggest that the user is actively consuming the content and finding value in it. This information can help gauge the effectiveness and interest level of the page. The average view time per page can be found in the pages section of the dashboard.
By comparing the viewing durations of different pages within a document or across multiple docs, you can identify pages that are more engaging or require more attention. This insight can be leveraged to improve less engaging pages or replicate successful content strategies.

High traffic pages where users are already engaged can also be a great place to ask for feedback. Consider embedding a Coda form for users to easily submit feedback, request updates, or suggest improvements they’d like to see.

Facilitating rollouts

When you start a new Coda page or doc, you need to let your team or company know about it by creating a rollout plan. You can check the doc stats to see if your plan is successful. The counts of doc and page views will show you if users are accessing your new doc and will indicate if the rollout is finished or if you need to keep promoting it.

Inform change management

Anytime you make updates or changes to a doc, there will be a window of time where said doc is “under construction”, potentially even unusable. Knowing how and when a doc is used can help you plan to make the updates at the least disruptive time.
The “sessions by day” and “views by day stats” show you traffic levels per day. Look to see if you can identify days of the week or month where usage is low and plan your updates for those days.
You can also see daily traffic broken down by pages. If you’re only planning to make changes to a few sections, these metrics will help you find the least disruptive window for those impacted sections.
Check out this guide to learn more about change management for doc updates.

Optimize for device preference

Scroll to the bottom of the dashboard and take a look at “Performance by Device”. This graph breaks out views by the device used: desktop, mobile, or other.
This graph is useful in understanding how your users are accessing your doc. Coda makers most often build docs on a computer; because of this, docs are most often optimized for desktop users. Docs look and feel different when accessed via mobile. If you notice a significant group of users using mobile, its wise to check what those users are seeing and make tweaks to optimize the mobile experience. This guide will show you how.

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