How Miro avoids the post brainstorm copy-paste tedium with Coda

Try the new Coda for Miro app and keep the meeting momentum flowing.

Bri Strauss

Technology Partner Manager at Coda

How Miro avoids the post brainstorm copy-paste tedium with Coda

By Bri Strauss

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Productivity · 6 min read
It’s the worst—that post-brainstorm tedium of shifting all the sticky notes, rough sketches, and half-finished thoughts into a plan of action. Deadlines and assignees might lack clarity and ideas can be lost in the move from “unstructured” to “structured” formats. Teams need a way to keep that meeting momentum flowing, so we partnered with Miro to create the Coda for Miro app. Coda’s latest partnership is already driving team productivity, improving collaboration, and helping creative ideas get the follow-through they deserve. Here’s a brief look at how this new app came to be, how it works, and how you can apply it to your own processes.

An app for connected collaboration.

The initial idea for the Coda for Miro app came from a thoughtful conversation between Coda CEO, Shishir Mehrotra, and Miro leadership on team rituals. The Miro team, naturally, was using their platform for brainstorming and other unstructured ideation, taking advantage of the platform’s great sticky notes and app cards features to sketch out their next set of brilliant ideas. But then, they had to manually move their Miro board content to Coda for tracking and measuring OKRs. No one enjoys a tedious copy-paste session, and worse, it was easy for an idea to fall through the cracks in the transfer process and last-minute updates to Miro sticky notes went untracked in Coda. Plus, critical context was spread across multiple tools, with no way to move it into a single Coda doc or Miro board.
As Mironeers, we use Miro extensively for a wide range of use cases.
We also love Coda for its structured content and sophisticated automations. The challenge was transferring data between the two systems, which required manual copy-pasting.
- Ilia Tregubov, Head of Product Operations at Miro
After Shishir’s conversation, we dived in deeper with the Miro team and pulled out the meaningful details about their workflows, pain points, and desired functionality, and then we started building an application around Miro’s specific use case. It’s one we think applies much more broadly than just their team and so now the Coda for Miro app is available in the Miro Marketplace, and Coda customers can get the integration for free. Seriously, who doesn’t love free?

Bridging the gap between ideation and execution.

How exactly does the Coda for Miro app drive collaboration and productivity? The short answer is by making it possible to move seamlessly from brainstorm to to-do list. The (slightly) longer answer is that the app includes useful functionality, like two-way sync, the ability to convert between different formats, tracking capabilities, and more.
Now, with the brand new Miro-Coda integration,
we can effortlessly move content, connect structured and unstructured data, and keep everything up to date in both platforms.
- Ilia Tregubov, Head of Product Operations at Miro

Stay aligned and up to date.

With the Coda for Miro app, teams can take their unstructured information and put it into a more manageable, and most importantly, actionable format. For example, after building a brainstorming board in Miro, the Coda app lets you convert your sticky notes and cards into tables in Coda, letting you turn them into tasks with clear deadlines and owners. These can be brand new tables or additions to existing ones. To keep everything aligned, any transferred sticky notes or cards will contain all Miro fields, including ​​text (with formatting), author, color, tags, and name of the containing frame.
But wait, there’s more! You can also go the other direction—Coda table rows can now be imported as app cards in Miro for representation if you need a more freeform canvas to collaborate. Teams can easily visualize, manipulate, and work on the data as a group. Key to this is the fact that the app syncs all data between Coda and Miro. In practical terms, that means teams can edit Miro boards directly from Coda and vice versa. It also means you’ll never miss an update or last-minute thought, as the content can be refreshed with the click of a button. No more worries about out-of-date information or ideas lost by the digital wayside. Phew!

Track, measure, and work together.

Ultimately, the Coda for Miro app lets the best of each platform shine. Miro’s unstructured, creative workspace makes it easy to brainstorm and ideating as a team. Coda’s no brainstorming slouch either, but is particularly excellent at tracking tasks, measuring results, communicating initiatives, and making data-driven decisions. With over 500 Packs (aka integrations), ready-to-use templates for project planning, roadmapping, note-taking, and knowledge management, as well as extensive reporting capabilities, Coda is the ideal tool for turning ideas into action. With the Coda for Miro app, you get the best of both worlds!
In addition, the app allows colleagues with different work styles and personal preferences to collaborate seamlessly. Those who prefer unstructured workspaces can complete their tasks in Miro, and those who love a few building blocks can use Coda. The Coda for Miro app bridges the gap without disrupting anyone’s processes.

Start collaborating seamlessly with Miro + Coda.

Collaboration can sometimes get messy, but the Coda for Miro app helps wrangle the creative and logistical sides together, allowing you to make something great, faster. The app is free and easy to set up, and is already helping the Miro team do more together. You too can go from brainstorm to to-dos in seconds. Visit the Miro Marketplace to get started.

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