Career Services in Coda! [Katie Rivard]
Career Services in Coda! [Katie Rivard]
Job Finding Strategies

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Project: Research Jobs & Companies in Your Area

2 hours to complete
Take some time to establish what jobs and potential opportunities are available in your local area, and areas where you’d be happy to move to.
Don’t limit yourself to just the jobs you see on sites like LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor. While job boards provide insight into what’s currently available, you should also actively look for information on individual companies you know you’d be interested in working for—whether now or in the future. Aim to identify companies that have designers on staff, even if they’re not currently hiring.
Pay particular attention to any patterns you see in the job responsibilities and person requirements listed by these companies. Spotting similarities in language, qualifications, preferred skills, type of company, etc., can help save you work as you put together each job application.

Deliverable 1:

Job Research With Links To 5 Target Job Descriptions And 5 Companies

Research and select 5 job openings in your area, as well as 5 companies that you are interested in (whether or not they are currently hiring).
Create a doc or spreadsheet that sets out the kinds of position offered, skills and qualifications asked for, types of work environment, company standing in its market, etc.
Do the same for the companies you found, focusing on the current design positions filled (these might be available on the company’s About page, or by researching the company on LinkedIn), the skill-sets of the people current in those roles, and how the team is structured (if you can find that information).
Also, begin to reflect on your preferences for work environment, role type, and personal goals. What about each opening or company appeals to you, and why?

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