Career Services in Coda! [Katie Rivard]
Career Services in Coda! [Katie Rivard]
Networking & Social Media

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Project: Research Events to Attend

1 hour 30 minutes to complete
Attending networking events can lead to great conversations and possible job opportunities as well. Research upcoming professional networking events happening in your area, as well as other areas you may want to build connections in.
Gather a list of events you'd like to attend. Make sure to select ones that would offer great learning and networking opportunities. Resources like Meetup, Interaction Design Association (IxDA), Creative Mornings, and other conferences can provide access to a lot of different hiring managers while adding valuable education in the design industry.
There’s a cost associated with attending some of these events. This can provide an extra incentive for you to attend. But you don’t need to shell out hundreds of dollars just to try and network. Many events are free of charge, and still offer great opportunities.
You can also use sites like to help build this list.

Deliverable 1:

Questionnaire: Networking Events Spreadsheet

Create a Google Sheet that includes the name, the dates and times, cost associated, and the location of each event. Share this document with your Career Coach for review.
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