Career Services in Coda! [Katie Rivard]
Career Services in Coda! [Katie Rivard]
Resume & Cover Letters

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Project: Create Your Cover Letter

2 hours to complete
Cover letters are a crucial opportunity to make an impression with hiring managers.
While you'll want to tailor the letter for each company and role you apply for, it’s helpful to have a draft that you can use as a starting point. In this project, let’s get that written!
Using the tips you’ve picked up from the previous lessons in this unit, put together a letter that addresses the following points:
Why you're a good fit for the job (obviously, assume it’s going to be a junior UX design role)
What you’ve learned from your design education and previous work experience
How you'd apply your skills to the position
Evidence of your impact in previous positions, including specific results if possible


Your Cover Letter

Create a new Google Doc. Draft a cover letter tailored to one of the companies on your job target list. Share it with your Career Coach for review and feedback.
Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.