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March 2024

3/3 - Optimal Context Canvas

Maurizio Goetz

Hello Oliver I uploaded your nice framework on Copilot and I try to get suggestions how to use it creatively.
them I will use other tool for different expansion, so that I can converse with you
The image represents a diagram titled “Optimal Context Canvas” created by Oliver Ding on March 3, 2022. This canvas is divided into three main sections: Structural Dynamics (on the left): Includes categories such as Networks, Fields, Events, and Institutions. Explores relationships and dynamics within your niche topic. Curativity (at the top center): Contains categories like Groups, Movements, Info-niche, and Projects. Focuses on care, attention, and interaction within your topic. Cultural Significance (on the right): Encompasses categories such as Platforms, Spaces, Organizations, and Affordances. Analyzes cultural impact and relevance of your topic.This canvas provides a structured view for exploring and understanding a new niche topic. You can use it to identify dynamics, relationships, and opportunities within your specific subject. Happy exploration!
first I ask you if this interpretation is correct
Secondly I will use phind to discover 100 possible ways to use it
AI is really powerful
But I have to understand if the comprehension of symbolic material is correct.

Maurizio Goetz

what do you think about this process? ​ Step 1: Define the Niche Topic Identify the Niche Topic: Start by defining your niche topic. This could be a field of study, an industry, a personal area of interest, etc. Define the Objective: Establish the objective of discovering the new theme. This could be identifying an emerging area of research, exploring new commercial opportunities, or discovering new cultural trends. Step 2: Analyze Structural Dynamics Contact Network: Create a map of the contact networks within your niche topic. This includes people, organizations, and events. Study Fields: Identify study fields or areas of interest that overlap or interact with your niche topic. Events and Manifestations: List events, conferences, or manifestations that relate to your niche topic. Key Institutions: Identify institutions that support or influence your niche topic. Step 3: Explore Curativity Interest Groups: Identify groups of people who gather to discuss or work on projects related to your niche topic. Emerging Movements: Look for movements or trends that are emerging within your niche topic. Info-niches: Explore specific info-niches that focus on detailed information on a particular subject. Innovative Projects: Identify projects that are actively working on new themes within your niche topic. Step 4: Analyze Cultural Significance Key Platforms: Explore key online or physical platforms that have become important for your niche topic. Significant Spaces: Look for physical or virtual spaces that have become significant for your niche topic. Key Organizations: Identify organizations that play a key role in your niche topic. Afforded Opportunities: Analyze the opportunities or possibilities that your niche topic offers. Step 5: Iteration and Discovery Data Collection and Analysis: Collect and analyze the data gathered in the previous steps. This may include reviewing contact networks, analyzing study fields, evaluating events and manifestations, and examining info-niches and innovative projects. Identification of Emerging Themes: Use the gathered information to identify new emerging themes within your niche topic. This could include identifying emerging areas of research, new commercial opportunities, or new cultural trends. Evaluation and Prioritization: Evaluate and prioritize the emerging themes identified based on their potential impact, relevance to your niche topic, and your ability to contribute or leverage these themes. Step 6: Planning and Implementation Planning: Plan how to further deepen the understanding of the emerging themes identified. This could include planning further research, creating a working team, or defining specific objectives. Implementation: Implement the research or development plan based on the emerging themes identified. This could include conducting interviews, carrying out case studies, or creating prototypes. This process is designed to be iterative and flexible, allowing for adaptation to new information and emergencies that may arise during the discovery of a new theme.

Maurizio Goetz

Going back to co-pilot I tried to understand the meaning of the elements in relationship to the process: Structural Dynamics: Networks: Identify relevant networks or connections related to your topic. These could be online communities, professional associations, or social groups. Fields: Explore the different fields or domains that intersect with your niche. Consider interdisciplinary perspectives. Events: Investigate events, conferences, or gatherings where your topic is discussed or showcased. Institutions: Look into organizations, institutions, or bodies that play a role in shaping your niche. Curativity: Groups: Study the groups of people who engage with your topic. Are there specific communities or subcultures? Movements: Analyze any movements or trends associated with your niche. What drives them? Info-niche: Dive deep into specialized information sources—books, websites, experts—that provide insights. Projects: Explore ongoing or past projects related to your topic. What can you learn from their approaches? Cultural Significance: Platforms: Consider digital platforms (websites, social media) where discussions about your niche occur. Spaces: Explore physical spaces (museums, galleries, workshops) where your topic manifests. Organizations: Investigate organizations (nonprofits, companies) that contribute to your niche. Affordances: Reflect on the opportunities and limitations your niche presents within its cultural context. Remember, this canvas is a tool for holistic exploration. Use it to map out connections, discover hidden facets, and gain a deeper understanding of your niche. Happy exploring
what do you think?

Nice! This is a super creative way to use the Optimal Context Canvas.

Maurizio Goetz
if you have a nice canvas like yours you can organize conversation using different chatbots
do you want to try something interesting?
Try to explain your canvas to Pi and ask him some suggestion to improve it ​
you converse like you would do with me and she will remember
let me know

Yes. This is my next step: Add AI to CALL.
Maurizio Goetz
try now to converse it is very easy you don't need a prompt

You Start with Hello Pi, I want to share with you my canvas, what do you think?

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