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August 2021
Future Membership Effective Date
We’ve automated authentication for copies of Cross-doc tables for users who have access to the data in the original version, and made it clearer when you need to take action for users who don’t have access.
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Mention to share
Invite anyone to your doc by typing ‘@’ anywhere in a doc.
Mention to Share After.gif
Disable doc copy
A new sharing setting that disables the ability for editors, viewers, and commenters to copy your doc. This also disables the ‘Copy Doc’ button for published docs.
More improvements to doc load times via Partial Loading
The most important parts of your docs now load in priority order, resulting in large docs loading up to 60% faster.
Partial Loading.png
April 2021
Redesigned doc header & tool bar to make more space for your doc
Coda docs now have even more space for your content, with a new, contextual toolbar that only shows up when you need it.
Improvements to published doc speed
Discoverable docs in the Doc Gallery have seen an average of >50% improvement in load time and performance in the past six months.
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Color scales
A conditional format to auto-shade cells along a color gradient based on their value.
Color Scale.gif
Larger formula builder
Expand the formula builder into a larger composer, with the ability to auto-indent and quickly access Coda’s formula library.
Formula preview
You can now preview the objects you reference in your formulas. You can get more information about the referenced object by clicking into the preview’s links.
Custom templates
Create your own custom template, accessible via the new doc dialog, Explore panel, drag-and-drop from the Explore panel, or / command.
Set control value action
A new action for buttons and automations that allows you to set (or reset) default values for controls, in many cases saving many steps of interaction to arrive at a default view of your data.
Set Control Value.gif
Images & files in comments
Comments now support attachments, so you include the information your team needs in the file type they need it.
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Comment number indicators
We’ve updated the comments icon to show how many comments are in a single thread.
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Condensed comments
Longer comments show a ‘Show more’ option to expand instead of taking up valuable doc real estate for viewers.
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Easier comment composition
Typing Enter or Return adds a new line to your comments instead of sending them. Use Ctrl + Enter (PC) or Command + Return (Mac) to send, or click the “Send” button.
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Comment performance improvements
We’ve made improvements to make loading and scrolling through comments faster.
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Chrome extension: bookmarking
Bookmark any webpage into any Coda doc, straight from your browser.

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