Our company takes the security of our systems seriously and values the contributions of the security community. We encourage responsible reporting of any vulnerabilities that may be found in our systems to ensure the security and privacy of our users' data.
If you believe you have discovered a vulnerability, please report it to us as soon as possible. We ask that you:
Do not share or publicize the issue until we have had a chance to investigate and address it.
Provide us with a reasonable amount of time to address the issue before disclosing it publicly.
Do not exploit the vulnerability beyond the minimal amount of testing required to prove its existence.
Provide full details of the vulnerability, including steps to reproduce and any tools used.
We will investigate all legitimate reports and make every effort to quickly address any vulnerability. We will not take legal action against or terminate access to those who discover and report vulnerabilities in accordance with this policy.
Thank you for helping keep our systems and users safe.
Revision History
Date of Change
Date of Change
Responsible Disclosure Policy
Moved from SecureFrame to Coda. Minor Formatting changes.
Responsible Disclosure Policy
Resync policy with live version from https://hackerone.com/coda_bbp.
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Responsible Disclosure Policy 1.1
By clicking this button I acknowledge that I have read the above policy and agree to comply with the policy