Advance Male Customization

icon picker
Adding New Cloth


Adding new clothing or your own clothing to
is made super easy with ton of automation going on in the code all you need to do is add your mesh and mesh icon and they will magically appear in


1-adding your mesh to the project basically add your skeletal mesh into
project the skeletal mesh should be rigged into
character and skinned properly without any problematic deformations
📝Note: if you find it hard to make your own cloth and rig them, you can just import existing clothes into blender,maya,max and modify them then re-import them as new meshes
2-go to find the proper slot for that cloth for i.e for pants you would choose lower
in my case i added Arms Mesh into the Upper slot
3-add an icon for the said mesh by going to under
Warning: the icon should have the same name as the mesh with the extra T_ as a prefix
if not done right the icon won't appear in


now if you run
and open and head to upperbody you should see
that the new mesh is now added to Upper Section!
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