GOAL: To Open up the conversation to your existing email list and invite them to receive a free resource (lead magnet) to gain permission to share more with them about Bullet Proof Babes… along with announcing the release of BulletProof babes.
To-Do List!
Email Manifest
Record LOOM Instructions
Link Video
Add Reference Links
Refresh Table of Contents
Draft Email Copy
Review Copy & Provide Feedback
Add links
Final Approval
Add to Email Campaign Software
Emails 2-3 days apart
Engage previous chiropractic contacts with 8x campaign emails sharing about what your doing.??NOTE:?Your emails should SERVE and LEAD people… It's not about the promotion… The Call to Action is about taking the next step to work with you!
See Example Emails for inspiration:
Video is completely acceptable
Always include a P.S.
Could be a summary of the email,
Mention the Call To Action Again
Possibly leave a tease for what you going to talk about in the next email, or somewhere else…