FUKUI Powered-Up Couples: Tandem
Movement Manifest for Robert Fukui

Brand Discoveries


Your Goals & Objectives

To Make the first launch promotional campaign in order to sell a packaged group of courses.
Prime the list of buyers and leads for the summer 2022 book launch tour traveling to grow a community
Nurture an engaged community membership of married entrepreneurs supporting one another,
Within the community multiply the business through licensing and or certifications or something like that.
Your Movement Mission…
… Is causing marriages to thrive and businesses to prosper… preventing the business mistress path of destruction.

By helping business entrepreneurs get on the same page with their spouses and pursuing an enthralling shared vision.

By transitioning from a business running them ragged to a CEO leading a business that is growing wealth, along with providing the freedom to pursue the vision they’ve determined as a power couple!!!?

Creating a VIRAL LOOP | Your sphere of influence;

In order to fulfill your mission,

The Right Leader Connects with The right community providing the right opportunities to belong to your community through a variety of offers.

Introductions - Relationships - Community

Fostering a community takes creating several opportunities to introduce your leadership…
…and lead people deeper into the community.
On the inside of your sphere of influence is the mission on your heart, where those who are helping multiply your impact! ?Just Like Jesus and the 3, 12, 72, 500, and the 1000’s

Your role is to influence people to belong to the 1000s of entrepreneurial couples… create space for them to believe in who they can become!
Entry Level Course Packages
Pricing your product
Marketing Made Simple
Book Tour
Oneline Summits, webinars, & Symposium’s
The Entrepreneurs Sex Life Challenge (Better sex in 7 days!)
Power Couple Assessment… Is your business cheating on your family?
Low /Mid Tier Membership Site
Couple Coaching
High Ticket Membership / Mastermind
Couple Coaching Continued
Certifications / Licensing / and or Coaching Teams

YOUR LEADERSHIP | The Stories, Framework & Point Of View

The Movement Leader (The Personal Brand)

We work with the “Movement Leader” concept - meaning, when we present a likable face for your movement, the customer will more easily trust you and your services along with connecting to the tribe. You are the facilitator bringing people together and creating an experience! To this effect, we need to identify the specific Leader Attributes of your personal brand that we will be using for your business.
What is your role as a Leader?
As leaders, you believe that couples can achieve great accomplishments together. Achieving their business ambitions while thriving in pursuit of a family vision.
Movement Background & Stories
Founders Story: Kay Lee
Kay Lee grew up with an entrepreneur father and her normal childhood was disrupted with the business often taking priority in his life,
The business was his mistress… Which eventually lead to her father leaving their family for his secretary… ?Leaving a permanent trauma scar.
… But from the mess evolves a mission!
Business Story: Robert
After working in corporate for several years, Robert decided to start a consulting business.

While successful, the business started keeping Robert up till the am hours on frequent occasions disrupting his presence during family time.

Although Robert was physically present on weekends and vacations he was too mentally and emotionally exhausted to actually be present.

Because Robert and Kay Lee had worked diligently through counseling before marriage they had the awareness and understanding they had to tackle this…
…While there wasn’t an overnight fix, they were able to begin to prosper in business and thrive in their marriage by taking the steps they intuitively followed… thus not only saving their marriage… but beginning to pursue a vision… ?… Finally feeling like they are on the same page as a couple!

Epiphany story
How did you create the 8 steps…
The Framework
The 8 steps to thriving in business and prospering in business

YOUR VILLAGE | The communities Dreams, Drains, & Doubts
Your role as a leader is to empathize with your communities Dreams, Drains, and Doubts, ?Make introductions, connect relationally and offer them your introductory solutions through your products and services.
The Dream
To have a great marriage, connected and get time together; on weekends, vacations,
To finally have a work-life balance.
To take a real vacation
To have a date night without business talk.
The Drain
The business is overtaking the marriage…
… At best your good roommates
Going in and out of vacation (dreading the catchup pre and post-vacation)
The Doubt
That as a business owner i will ever have time to get away from the business.

?YOUR OFFER | The Promise, Prompt, & Pitch
The community has struggled to reach their dreams, alleviate the drains, and resolve the doubts,?But as a leader, you’ve been there before;
creating a solution.
The Promise
You can actually take a vacation and connect as spouses without doing work
Getting on the same page with your spouse is actually possible
Achieve Work-Life Balance

The Prompt
When was the last time you enKay Leeed a vacation?
What happens if you leave your business for a month?
When was the last time you said something nice about your spouse?
Do you have to block your spouse from seeing your social media accounts?
The Pitch
Achieve Work-Life Balance by raising your rates and hiring someone to run the business so you can focus on building the business. ?.
You’ll be more successful in business if you have a flourishing marriage
Take these the 8 steps to prospering in business and thriving in marriage
Online Course access anytime
Struggling to afford to get the operational help you need to hire? ? Included: Pricing For Profit
Need to win clients and customers in a predictable way without the life-sucking void of social media:? We’ve added Marketing Made Simple??When you join “in a time frame” Get a free x-hour call with my wife and I to help identify where you have the lowest hanging fruit.

You are the Right Leader Connecting with The right community providing the right offers

Here is The best solution to reach your first goal creating momentum to build toward your long-term business goals!

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