Interactive Guide to Your First 1000 Users
5. Go-to-Market 🚀

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Even with a great product and great marketing and distribution channels to execute upon, you still need good infrastructure in order to support the influx of new customers and importantly analyze the flood of new data coming your way.
To start, check out these two resources to see how very successful tech companies got their first 1000 users (the hardest 1000 to get)

Tracking Analytics

Tracking analytics through tools like,, and others are crucial in building insights into customer behavior and opportunities to optimize leads and conversions. Pay attention to MRR and compare that with your original targets from . Growing retention rates and Monthly Active Users (MAUs) are also great indicators of stickiness that you want to look into. Check out that is incredibly in-depth and useful.
🛠 Here are some tools to get you started on analytics and even user behavior prediction:
📊 Analytics
🔭 DIY Data Science

Onboarding Users & Support

Productize support where possible such as adding chatbots, customer support/feedback forms, and more. However, supporting users in ways that don’t scale (helping a user figure out bugs, manually onboarding users—Stripe founders literally took people’s laptops to integrate Stripe for them in the beginning—and other unique unscalable things will help grow your product and learn more about the user int the process. Users will appreciate you taking the time to personalize attention towards their problems and will only build your product’s reputation.


As the product starts growing in MRR, you should consider growing your team and investing more into channels. Now is finally the time to start seriously looking into SEOs, paid marketing to boost growth and create even more social traction through platforms like Twitter, Reddit, etc.
Another good and

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