Interactive Guide to Your First 1000 Users
Customer Discovery

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Customer Discovery Interview Guide

🗺 Advice for conducting interviews

Talking to people in person is by far the best way to conduct customer discovery interviews, but due to location and time constraints, video calls are a good alternative
Disarm your own biases and do not let answers blindly validate your confirmation bias.
Go into each interview with the mindset of falsification.
The best indicator that the market needs new or better solutions is that people are actively trying to solve the problem.
In order to do this, ask open-ended questions to weed out personal anecdotes that reveal pain points → if you do this with enough people, you will uncover trends that will lead to opportunities.
Avoid questions that start with is, are, would, do you
Even if the problem is valid, what budget does your target customer allocate to solving this problem and how frequently?
You will not get statistically significant data, rather analyze the trends and avoid analysis paralysis
Weave in questions to ask to validate/invalidate your assumptions
People love talking about themselves
Be an active listener
Write down extremely detailed notes
Be very friendly and dont ask leading questions
Ask, "Can you tell me more about that?"
Core set of questions to ask:
Who do you want to learn from?
What do you want to learn?
How will you get to them?
How can you ensure an effective session?
How do you make sense of what you learn?
Testing for Price
How much do you currently spend to address problem?
What budget do you allocate to this and who controls it?
How much would you pay to make this problem go away (not how much would you pay for this solution)
Keep in mind that people don't honestly think about willingness to pay unless its a real transaction

Your turn to prep questions 👇🏼

Add a new column to create a new question, which will be linked to the forms you can send out! (Edit Layout of Forms to see updated question columns). Every time someone submits a form, your Interview Form Results Table will be updated automatically.
Interview Form Results
What is the most challenging aspect of this problem for you?
How much money do you allocate to solving this problem on a monthly basis?
Add more questions with columns!
Response 1
Response 2
Response 3
Response A
Response B
Response C
There are no rows in this table
Interview Form
What is the most challenging aspect of this problem for you?
How much money do you allocate to solving this problem on a monthly basis?
Add more questions with columns!

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