Creating, Selling, Listing, and Gifting NFTs

How to setup your wallet

1. Download and install the polkadot.js extension at

2. Add the extension to your browser menu bar (so you can always get it with just a click).
3. Open the extension and click the + button. From the drop down menu, select ‘create a new account’. This will create a Mnemonic seed phrase (a series of 12 random words).
4. Save this seed and NEVER share it with anyone. Whoever holds this seed phrase will be able to access your account and all of your assets. It’s not advisable to store this seed on a cloud-based service or on your online computer. Once you’ve saved the seed phrase, tick the checkbox ‘I have saved my seed phrase safely’.
5. In the next screen, select the chain you will like your account to be tied to. You can either set it to ‘allow use on any chain’ or you specify a chain. For our present purpose, select Kusama Relay Chain in the dropdown menu. You can always change it later if you wish to use the account on other chains, so don’t overthink it.
On the same screen, add a descriptive name so you can easily identify your account. Note that this name is only for this extension.
Set a password
Confirm password

NOTE: This is a password that you will use often. It is required when you mint/sell/buy/gift/destroy an NFT. Make sure the password is kept secure and private but also make it easy enough for you to type in frequently.
6. Click generate account and VIOLA! You now have a Kusama account that is easily accessible on the extension.
If you get stuck and need help, don’t worry, come join us in our social channels to ask for support– or .
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