Module 3

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Module 3 Script

Opening Exercise

What does it mean to be a good leader?



Today's Lesson

What does All Win Leadership Look like?
Understanding Interdependence
Conflict Assessment & Engagement When and how to collaborate.
key takeaway: How and when to take the 3rd perspective


This module will be high level review of some heavy concepts (leadership, complexity, interdependence, omnipartiality
allow it to wash over you
the three modules come together today

Module 1&2 Review

One-dimensional Conflict

Two-dimensional Conflict
three-dimensional conflict
full context

Lesson 3-1 - Beyond Neutrality: All-Win Leadership

All-Win Leadership Skills (Brubaker Model)

Owning your role and imperfection.


Self Knowing


Universal Dignity & Respect


Taking Responsibility
QUOTATION: "If you're not part of the problem, then you can't be part of the solution." -Bill Torbert
become the director/ or co-creator
step into the game
Commitment & Sacrifice (willing to change your mind)
QUOTATION 2: Solzhenitsyn
Admit Mistakes
Own your own feelings and actions


Key to healing polarization and Complexity
curiosity & Listening
reflect, reflect, reframe
recognizing dissent as a gift
Focusing on inviting dissent, and just enough of it, is key to efficient collaboration. It sidesteps the pressure to agree that so often bogs down consensus process
Outliers give the group the gift of the opportunity to benefit from the full range of wisdom and perspectives that exist within it, and are often the catalysts for breakthrough moments.
Instead of seeing the outlier as a problem, the way we are used to, I now see the outlier as the gift bearer – the person with issues, concerns, or ideas that are often essential for a group to consider, the one through whom they come to the group’s awareness. Time and again I have seen that what drives a proposal forward towards improvement are the dissenting views.
This is a way to prevent future outbursts of conflict. It demonstrates wisdom and it's a way to check the sustainability of decisions


engage early, manage the polarities, speak with clarity
Omnipartiality - All-win Thinking

3 steps

Affirm your dignity and the dignity of the other person
Speak your truth
Demonstrate that you are willing to stay for the relationship

All-Win = Omnipartiality

What do you think it means?
Who is included?
bias in favor of everyone (YOU And Others, past present and future)
A professional approach
beyond neutrality
Principled Impartiality
A personal Value
developmental process 1. Self-Centered --> 2. Tolerance --> 3. Openness --> 4. Engagement --> 5. Omnipartiality

Why be Omnipartial?

we need people to act as web weavers
Win-Lose will kill us all
Because are interdependent

My Story (A16 and Peace Studies)

The Moral Imagination requires...

... us to imagine ourselves in a web of relationships that includes our enemies,
the ability to sustain a paradoxical curiosity that embraces complexity without reliance on dualistic polarity,
the fundamental belief in and pursuit of the creative act, and
the acceptance of the inherent risk of stepping into the mystery of the unknown that lies beyond the far too familiar landscape of violence.
- John Paul Lederach

Personal growth (accept imperfection, complexity, diversity)

Know your Intentions

help others or self
“If you have come here to help me you are wasting your time, but if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.” - Lilla Watson
Don't Try to Solve Problems too soon

Know your Biases

Too much information
Not enough Time
What should I remember?
Need to Act Fast

Lesson 3-2 - Frameworks for Understanding Interdependence

From Face to Face to shoulder to shoulder.

Overview of Models for understanding ongoing interdependence

There are multiple ways to understand interdependence.

Polarity Management - Tool for understanding indestructible polarities

Interdependent Polarities Definition
Interdependent Polarities are indestructible systems and are at the heart of ongoing debates.
Choosing either side and excluding the other will become destructive.
When both to work together they will become generative.
The positive qualities of one side tend to solve the problems of the other side.
Interdependent polarities can't be solved, only managed and harnessed.
Power & Love
us & them
part & whole
continuity & transformation
mercy & justice
grievance & gratitude
freedom & equality
sovereignty & unity
Polarity Management (quick peek)

Wicked Problems & Complex Systems - Multi-agent systems with lots of moving parts.

Conventional vs. Systems thinking
Wicked Problem Management
- informed diverse population - Collaborative communication - understand tensions and paradoxes - Ongoing action - managing tensions
The Wicked Problems Mindset
Presume wicked problems, not wicked people
Become more comfortable with uncertainty
Focus on elevating the conversation not just winning the argument
Put your energy toward identifying, engaging, and negotiating inherent tensions
Work toward creating a learning community

Meta-Ideolocal and Developmental Politics - Use an understanding that differing Worldviews and Paradigms



Unified Theory of complexity

we are in a [[complex systems]], the problems we face are something called[[Wicked Problems]] - inflation Global supply chains or Health care - Police Reform, Criminal justice, repairing historical harms or the war in Ukraine
are made up of many parts,
These parts have their own agency and cannot be controlled
is ongoing and constantly evolving and changing, unpredictable
there are no simple solutions, no formula, and no single solutions that will fix any of the problems once and for all.
There are no right or wrong answers, yet any action can make things better or worse.
you don't know until you try
any attempt to solve the problem will change the nature of the whole system and
cannot be reversed.
No individual person or group, can see nor understand the whole system.
no one can solve it on their own.
any one who acts to solve the problem will be responsible for those results.

Lesson 3-3 - Conflict Assessment & Engagement

You've got to know when to hold 'em Know when to fold 'em Know when to walk away And know when to run
- Kenny Rogers "The Gambler"

Thomas-Killman - Conflict Modes

Transform into: Collaborating with Enemy decision tree

Four ways to respond to problematic Situation
Can we Change the situation
Can we bear the situation as it is?
Can we effect change on our own?

Conflict always presents a Choice

"Every conflict is a crossroads, represented on the one hand by a problem we are now required to solve, and on the other by the fact that we do not yet have the skills we need to solve it. "

Debrief & Discussion

1st, 2nd and 3rd perspective
Best advice
be honest with yourself and others about your reason for wanting to help others.


Rule #1: The Conflict is not about what it's about

Interest Based
Communication to reveal what's hidden

Rule #2: Everyone involved in the conflict needs to be involved in finding a solution

or it won't work
They'll include them selves

Takeaway check (type into chat):

How do you feel towards conflict now?
What is conflict?

Application Assignment

Where we're going from here

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