Questions & Notes

When and where to include discussing of homework during the sessions.
in Breakout groups?
Add a second breakout group?
I think that I want to offer a number a shorter master classes.
Facilitation Skill Essentials

"So that you can..." (show how to get people to what they want)

Advice for the course

keep focusing on the goal for each module (use this as the north star)
What do I want them to fell and knkow
what bullets do I need to cove
Strong Finish
best CTA
teaser at the end of each module
model or modality, "So that they can..."
Think about it like the arc of a novel
chapters with cliff hangers,
Create opportunities

First module
Add Introduction similar to the sales pitch
personal experiences and how they inform my career path
(Why we need you/me at this intersection of things I've discovered.
Lift up the role of my mentors and the process of passing the baton.
Re-Enroll people, make sure they remember why they are here
Make them feel it
Enliven their dreams about the future about what's possible
you are part of the next generation
Explain the course goal
offer a prize to anyone who comes to all courses
Conflict Map Presentations During Module six
Offer 1-on-1 session as a prize
Explain the module goal
master class
think about content during this course
three months
mentee's for a year long program
use sparingly
use for visual cues (and bullets)
pictures and visuals

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